Ch.12 [part 1]

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*beep beep beep

"Arg shut the dam thing off already" I groaned turning over and felt a thump when I hit the floor. I heard another groaning sound and peeked my eyes open to see Jessie scratching her head looking like she just woke up from the dead. We both looked at each other and smiled weekly.

"Morning" I said my voice low but enough for her to hear.

"Morning" she said, her voice was cracked and I could tell that she wanted to burst into tears. Time to go vampire mode. I used my speed to hug her and she broke down.

"It's okay Jess" I said trying to sooth her.

"It's not okay sky, he-he-he rejected me, his own mate because of me" she cried. My eyes widened, what the hell, he did what. I pulled Jessie back and looked her in the eye.

"He did what" I said looking at her. My anger was now rising, why would Jace reject Jessie, what did she do? She looked liked she was thinking for a moment and I clenched my hands into fists. I was ready to walk towards the door but she stopped me.

"wait no....uh I don't think he's here"'she said. I could tell she was lying and hiding something from me.

"Jessie whatever your saying is a lie and I am going to find out what has been going in now" I demanded opening the door and slamming it shut. I walked into my room and took a duffel bag putting some extra clothes in there. I opened the door and walked back out.

'He's in the woods running, about 2 miles from here' Andrea said while I was walking in the hallway.


'Nows not the time Skylar, David's still asleep and Jessie is in pain we need to find out what's going on' she said in a very deep tone. She was right, it's time I now forget everything right now and focus. I sniffed the air and walked towards the living room where I heard some people talking. I turned to see Cloe and Luke watching tv. When they looked at me their eyes went wide.


"No" I said cutting him off. I opened the door and walked out towards the woods sniffing the air again.

'West, he is west' Andrea said. I walked behind a tree and stopped.

'How do I shift into a wolf?'

'Remember that night you shifted and Luke said imagine yourself as a human, well you imagine yourself as your wolf, just ran as fast as you can, jump in the air and think of yourself as your wolf' I nodded and looked at a clear path.

'Will this hurt' I said a little bit nervous.

'You'll just have to see' she said. I looked forward and began to sprint. Faster and faster and faster.

'Now!' Andrea yelled in mind-link. I jumped in the air and imagined myself as a white big wolf. I ended up falling on my stomach on the ground. That hurt, I opened my eyes and saw 2 paws in front of me. I looked behind me and saw my legs curving towards me, my fur was pure white and it looked so beautiful. I tried to stand up but failed instantly.

'Stop waisting time' Andrea said annoyed.

'Hey I'm new at this calm down' I said. I slowly got my balance and finally was able to walk. I sniffed the air and smelled Jace's scent.

'Now run' Andrea said calmly. I grabbed the bag and began to jog a little then got the hang of it. I started sprinting faster and faster dogging trees, jumping over logs. I continued moving my legs to go faster and faster.

'When running you always need to use your senses, smell, hear, sight, touch, taste' I nodded and lifted my head up sniffing the air, I was coming closer to him. I felt the ground feel light because of how fast I ran.

'Be careful he knows you are near, let me take over' she said. I let her take over and watched as she ran and started to slow down.

'Where is he?' I asked.

'Hiding he doesn't know who you are but to him you are considered an enemy' she said. I could hear growling and she turned around looking at a brown wolf walking slowly towards us. I felt myself being pushed back over and now I was confused.

'What the hell are you doing I thought you were taking over!'

'This is not the first time you will be in this situation, with your secret out I'm pretty sure you will deal with this almost everyday' the wolf circled me and I watched as it circled me like its prey.

'Submit' she said. I bent down and submitted to the wolf. I walked behind a tree and imagined myself as a human and saw that I was naked.

'Get changed' she said. I put on some shorts and a tank top [including the accesories], I walked out and saw Jace with shorts on only. He seemed surprised when I came and then looked at me like I was going to kill him.

"Skylar what are you doing here?" He said a bit jittery.

"I could ask you the same as to why you are running away from the pack house?" I said.

"I had no choice I-I did something that I truly regret" he said looking down in guilt.

"Jessie told me about the rejection thing but why?" I said stepping closer to him.

"Skylar it was my fault the alphas took you because of that death note Daniel told me to give you and them David's made Jessie beta of both packs behind my back, which I don't understand, I didn't want to reject Jessie I mean I love her, but I-I just need time to think" he said. In my head I wanted to strangle that little piece of crap but this is not about me, this is about Jessie.

"Did you work it out with her?"

"No I-honestly Skylar, to tell you the truth I want to turn back around and run back to her but-I don't know what I'm doing" he said putting his head in his hands. I walked up to him and rested my hand on his shoulder.

"Then stop. Stop beating yourself up because of one simple mistake you made, I mean I know what you did was wrong and trust me it has torn her to shreds she looks life a walking zombie but you need to communicate and talk to each other about what is going on" I said. He nodded.

"If you want to continue running and die of sadness and broken heart, then go, go and give up everything you've had or you can come home to your family and your mate and be happy" I said smiling. He smiled at me.

"Your right Skylar, I'm sorry though, I nearly got you killed" he said. He turned around and was about to walk away but I grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him around to face me.

'!' I yelled in mind-link. I let Andrea take over quickly and clenched my hands into fists. I swung my fists making contact with his cheek. He fell back to the ground and groaned in pain.

"Just because you said sorry and all, doesn't mean this shit is over you prick, I'm still pissed at you that I almost died because of your little stunt you pulled threatening me, you better hope you make my girl happy again and that she forgives you cause if not, I'm gonna rip your balls off and shove them down your throat you got that" Andrea said letting me take over again. He stood up slowly and i could see blood dripping down his nose.

"Yeah I deserved that" he said looking down.

"See you at home" I said. Jumping in the air and shifting into my wolf.

'Now what do we do?' I said while running.

'We need to see our mate' she said.

Hey guys, I'm sorry this chapter didn't have that much action, but PART 2 of chapter 12 will have a lot of action and will involve some forgiving and lots of war.

I am like so tired right now, but by tomorrow I will have a nice full chapter with action in it.

My stomach hurts right now cause I ate too much birthday cake.......arg.

Okay so
If you already read this then you probably don't want to read it again, unless you want to, I'm mean you can if you want. (Okay back to the subject) I am publishing and new scary story in January and I need some new characters, so far I have 2 people that submitted in thier character name and age+characteristic! and i need 8 more people. Message me or comment if you want to be in the book thank you.

Sooooooo till tomorrow



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