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Chapter 15

"Unique?" I said while he pulled back.

"Well you see no other wolf has the kind of ability you have, so that's a unique trait" he said walking back to his chair and siting down.

"Jackson, it said that the council would be after her by why weren't they after you?" David said. You know, he did have a point though.

"Because I never told a living soul, not even my mate before she passed on" he said still smiling at us. Okay, that's weird, who smiles when they talk about their mate dying.

"Why" I asked curiously.

"Because, I knew that if I told her, she would tell someone else so I never told her" he said without no emotion. But here was my question, if he didn't tell her then wouldn't she have found out sooner or later?

*yes she would David said.

'Skylar get out of there now!' Andrea yelled. I pulled David up with me and smiled.

"Well thank you for everything I think we will be going now" I said. We walked towards the door quickly and all of a sudden the lock turned, locking the door.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Drakes pov

Dammit, why can't I get that stupid girl out of my head. What was her name again-Cloe, that's what it was. When I touched her, I didn't feel anything for her so she can't be my mate unless.....she hasn't shifted yet. The way her eyes sparkle when she-what the hell am I thinking. My mission was to take Cloe and bring her to master.

*drake, what's happening?* Lenny asks mind-linking me.

*I'm in a cell, that stupid alpha wolf guy locked me up and forced me to talk* I said.

*what?! Did you tell him about the war!?* he yelled. I didn't want to admit I did or master would have my head.

*no* I said lying.

*alright, well just get out of there master is already getting suspicious* he said.

*roger that* I said cutting him off. I looked around seeing nothing that could help me. God dammit, I can't wait to end this. I heard a door open. I couldn't see who the person was but could only smell their scent. To be honest, it smelled good. It was a nice cinnamon scent. The footsteps came closer until they were right in front of the cell.

"Who are you?" I said. The cell door opened and I was shocked to see that Cloe girl in front of me.

"Drake" Cloe said softly.

"Yes" I said.

"Why can't I get you out of my head" she said approaching me. Could it be, she is my mate? She had a bruise on her neck from when I paralyzed her as she came to me and I felt kinda-guilty.

"I-I'm sorry about your neck" I said. What the hell am I doing apologizing to her!!!! I screamed at myself.

"It's alright" she just looking at me. What was I supposed to say, I hate you.

"Your names Cloe right?" I said. She nodded.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"Today is my birthday and I just turned 17" she said bringing her hand to my cheek. I could feel that electricity pull, want and need to be with her. But how could she shift if she is just 17?

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