Chapter 1

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I had been doing dance since I was 2 years old at Adage Company of Dance. I loved dance, and I loved being on stage, performing and showing my talent to the world. When I turned 5, my mom had made me audition for the mini competition team. I got on, and before I knew it, my mom had pulled e out of school to dance full time. Every dance teacher and choreographer I had met had told me I had extreme talent, and my mom said that was my passion, my purpose in life. At first the competitions were fun. Being on the mini team they didn't really care if you won or not, they just wanted us performing, showing off. But once I was 9 years old and ready to go on the junior team, things changed, again. They pressured us each week to win, saying that 2nds the first to lose. But, when I walked out on stage, I brushed that all behind me and just remembered to have fun. I didn't win every week, and yes, I did get in trouble with my dance teacher and my mom, saying that I could do better. But, I didn't care. When I was 13, a new kid walked into our studio to join the team. And he was Fabian Betts. He was super cute, with his chestnut hair parted to the side and forest green eyes. Our dance teacher introduced him to us, and then she said that she wanted Lyla to do a duet with them. All of our team was really close since there was only 7 of us, but with a boy joining the team, it was going to get interesting. Our group dance that week was called, an odd number. We had red bodysuits and each of us had a even number except Fabian, who had a number 3 on him. My dance teacher also gave me a jazz solo entitled Fire. I had a super cute red and orange outfit. 2 days before competition, I walked into the studio to get ready for my solo rehearsal when I saw everyone crowded around Lyla who was laying on the floor in pain. I came over and said "What's wrong?" My dance teacher looked at me and said "Lyla was rehearsing her duet with Fabian when she twisted her back the wrong way. The ambulance is on its way." Fabian and the rest of the team sat there looking scared. Once the ambulance arrived, they immediately strapped her in and told us that she probably had a few herniated disks. A few hours later, Lylas mom called us back and said that she had to have back surgery and that she would be out for the rest of the season. We all sat there shocked, but eventually I had ballet technique class. My dance teacher looked at my feet, my posture, everything, and then she asks me to do some random choreography. After class, she pulled me and Fabian into the room and said that she wanted me to take Lylas spot in the duet. I couldn't say no, so I had to do it. I stayed at the studio until 10:00 that night trying to learn the duet. The next day, we only had 1 day until the competition and our duet was a mess. I was stressed out, but I knew I had to do it. On competition day I woke up at 5:30 am to get on the bus. It was a 2 hour ride, so we had to be up early. I sat next to Fabian on the bus, and I stared out the window stressed. About 30 minutes into the ride, Fabian touched my shoulder and said "It's going to be okay. Don't stress out." I looked into his eyes and instantly fell in love with him. Once we arrived at the competition, our group dance was up first. We did pretty good, even though I fell out of my turns a little bit early. Next up, I completed my solo. I was okay, but I forgot a few steps towards the end so I had to improv a bit. Last but not least was the duet. Behind the wings, about a minute before we went on, Fabian grabbed my hand and said "Nepi, I like you. Would up like to go out this Friday?" I was so happy, and I replied "I Like you too. I think that would be really fun." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, and then we walked on when they announced us. Our duet went great, mainly because I was more happy than stressed. But that quickly went away when it was time for awards. They went through so many categories, and then they finally got to small groups. We had won 1st place. My dance teacher smiled from the audience and then I had a little bit of hope. My solo placed 3rd, and I could tell from my dance teachers face that I wasn't getting another one anytime soon. And then it was duet/trio time. The announcer seemed to take forever in my mind, and then it came to 1st place. Everyone pounded on the stage, and finally he announced it went to us! I hugged Fabian, and then my whole team, my mom, my dance teacher, and the whole audience saw us kiss. Everyone was surprised at first, and I knew my mom was going to tease me, but I was happy then.

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