Chapter 13

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I worked my butt off at dance, trying to burn off the baby weight, and within 3 months after being pregnant I was back to my original self. I danced even more than I did before, dancing about 9 hours a day. I did my schoolwork at night, so it was basically like I lived at the dance studio. It was so nice to finally be back with the team, but Claire, a member on our team had left because she got a scholarship to go to a ballet intensive program with the American Ballet Theater. Other girls on the team were getting jobs in movies and at events, and we were all branching off. My dance teacher made all of the team audition for a role in a music video, and we all got in! It was really fun because in the music video we got to do pirouettes on top of cars, and then we got to dance in the street. One of the choreographers for the music video told us about an opportunity to audition for a scholarship to Joffery Ballet. So, we hopped on the plane to New York City, and got ready for the big audition. The Joffery Ballet School is by far the best dance school in the country, and everyone who went there would go on to amazing opportunities. Our auctions went great, and then we had to wait the agonizing 2 weeks before we got the results. We all did great, but never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would get into Joffery. But, when my mom ran into our ballet class which was a big, big no no at our studio, I knew that I made it. I read it, and jumped up and down so many times I thought the floor would break. The hardest part though was when I had to leave the dance studio I had been at for most of my life. Our team was breaking apart, because everyone was growing up and going their separate ways, but I never thought I'd be going also. My mom and I got all of the stuff in our apartment packed up, and then we were off to New York City. I was going to miss my teammates so much, because they were my best friends. It was even harder though, because I was going to be thousands of miles away from my child. But, NYC is awesome. My mom and I got a two bedroom apartment, and then I started my training at Joffery doing ballet, contemporary, modern, and jazz classes. It strengthened me so much as I dancer, and I loved it. Every 5 months or so I would fly back to California to see Georgie and my teammates that were still there. And that was pretty much my life for about 3 years, before I graduated Joffery. I moved out of my moms apartment and then I decided to move back to LA since there were so many other opportunities there. I would occasionally have lunch with Annie, and I would go visit Georgie a lot. I got various jobs from teaching to performing, and I was living my dream. My mom stayed in NYC because she loved it there, but I loved being on the west coast. Eventually I decided I wanted to do something to settle down with my life, so I made the crazy decision to open a dance studio. Annie taught some classes and so did I, and Georgie even took lots of classes there. I hired a guy named Allen, and a couple months after we started dating. After a couple years of owning the studio, I decided to start a competition team. Georgie was on it also which was super awesome. The competition team was amazing, and it fun to be the coach and not the member. Eventually I was looking through my emails and I saw an alert about a Starbound competition in Phoenix, Arizona, the same competition weekend where I became pregnant. I entered a few dances in it because it would be cool to go back to where it all started. And the most ironic part about it was that we were going to be staying in the exact same hotel where everything had happened. I didn't plan to tell Georgie about what happened there because I didn't think that her parents were ready to have the birds and bees talk, but your plans don't always go as planned.

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