Chapter 12

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Eventually, I was 9 months pregnant, and I was scared. I had always heard from women that childbirth was really painful, but I was prepared. Ever since I was little, I always had a high pain tolerance, and when I started using pointe shoes when I was 11, I built up even more of a pain tolerance since when you first get your pointe shoes, your feet hurt a lot. When I went to the doctors, they said that as soon as I went into labor that I needed to get to the hospital because I had a high risk pregnancy since I was so young. That made me a little scared, but I had faith in my doctor since she was the best. I stayed at home during that time, doing my schoolwork so that I could get ahead. I wanted to graduate high school a year early so that I could get a head start on my dance career. When I was 9 months and 9 days, it was late at night and I started having contractions. I woke up my mom and grabbed the hospital bag I had packed, and then we hopped in the car and drove to the hospital. Once we got there, the receptionist took us into a room and got me into my hospital gown, and then I sat there in that bed in pain from the contractions. My mom called the couple that was adopting my daughter and told them that their kid would be born soon. After a couple hours of contractions, the nurse measured me and told me I was only 3 centimeters dilated. By 4:00 am, I was 8 centimeters dilated and I was happy because I knew it would all be over soon. But, once I was 9 centimeters dilated, my doctor told me to start pushing, but the baby wasn't coming. Eventually my doctor declared that the baby was stuck and that we needed to do an emergency cesarean section because the babies heartbeat was dropping. I was really scared because it was a surgery and there was so many things that could go wrong, but I knew I had to save my baby for her sake and the family that was going to adopt her sake. The anesthesiologist came in and I didn't remember anything after that, until I woke up in the hospital room, and I looked over to see my mom sitting in the chair holding my baby. The couple was there too, and once everyone saw that I woke up, they came over to visit me. I held my baby in my arms and looked at her beautiful hazel eyes. Her hair was the exact same color as Fabians, and it made me very sad. As much as I wanted to hold her forever, I knew that if I got too attached then it would be hard when I had to say goodbye. I was only going to see her once every 4 months or so, but I was going to treasure every moment. The couple had named her Georgie Diana which I thought was so adorable for her. Two days later she was released from the hospital, and one week later I was released. I went back to dancing for the team, and my life basically went back to normal. Every 4 months, I would go over to the couples house and play with Georgie. She looked kind of like me, but she looked even more like Fabian, and even though I hadn't seen him in over a year, every time I went to see my daughter, I saw him. 

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