Chapter 10

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A few weeks after that, my dad texted me that he was going to be in town and that he wanted to have lunch with me. I hadn't seen my dad in 9 months, and I kind of missed him, but I knew that once he found out I was pregnant, he was going to freak. But, my mom said that I had to go by law, since it was in their divorce paper. So, I replied yes, and started planning which way to run when he found out I was pregnant. I dreaded that day that I had to have lunch with him, and I practically locked myself in my room that day, but unluckily for me, I had to go to ballet technique before, and I definitely couldn't miss that since I wasn't on the team anymore. It was hard going back to the dance studio because all of my teammates which were basically the only friends I ever had were having fun, taking summer classes and doing stuff without me. After ballet class my whole body was shaking, and when Annie walked by me she asked me if I was okay. I told her my situation, and she told me how to tell my dad I was pregnant. My mom dropped me off, and I walked into the restaurant petrified. I was about 4 and a half months pregnant, so I was showing a little bit, but to normal people who didn't know I was pregnant probably just thought I was fat. I sat down in the chair, across from my dad. We said hello and then he asked me how I was doing, and I said I was fine, and then we placed our orders, and then it was time. I said "Dad, please don't get mad or say that I made a bad decision because I know I did, but I'm pregnant." My heart was beating super super fast, and I could see anger in his eyes. It was quiet for a couple seconds before he said "Why did you do it honey? Why did you have sex? You know better, you're supposed to abstain from sex until marriage, and this is what happens. Whose baby is it? Fabians?" I was surprised by his reaction, but I replied "Yeah, but we broke up." He took a few deep breaths, and then our food came. We were quiet for about 10 minutes before he said "What are you doing with the baby?" I looked around the restaurant for a few seconds, and then I replied " I'm putting her up for open adoption." We were quiet for about 30 more minutes until the waitress came with the check, and my dad gave her his credit card. On our way out, my dad patted my back and said "Good luck." And then I climbed into my moms car, and she asked "How did it go with him?" We both giggled a little bit, and then I said "Well, it went." My mom said "What does that mean?" I replied "Well, he didn't really get mad at me, but instead it was an awkward silence type of lunch." She nodded her head and then drove me home so that I could do my school. All of my teammates called me and texted me, asking me how it went, and I gave them the same answer that I gave my dad. Before I had thought that I hated being on the competition team and dancing 7 days a week for 7 hours a day, but now I had missed it. I had missed my teammates and I even missed my mean dance teacher, and most of all, I missed dancing. I promised myself that after my baby girl was born, I would get back on the team as possible. And my technique was slipping, and I could tell. I also knew that after my baby was born, I was going to have to work like crazy to get back up to the technique level that I used to have. But I was ready to do it and work harder than anyone else on the team, because that was just who I was.

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