- Two -

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♢ Laura ♢

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT, SETTLE DOWN!" Rhi shouted after all of the girls were gathered together in the sports hall for our yearly introduction. I had a feeling bringing boys to our camp might have been the big change this year, but I was still quite shocked when I realised It was in fact, true.

By the amount of noise in the room I could tell a lot of the girls are not happy about this decision and I'm pretty sure some have already gone back home, they didn't want our camp to change and liked the way it was. I liked the idea because it would bring new challenges and competition into camp.

"As you may have already found out, this year, Camp Tabara has now been opened to boys. It has been in discussion for a while now with our board members and we have finally pushed the go button. Other camps all over the states have been trying it out and so far it has been successful." She stated as the whole room fell silent to take in what she had to say.

"We have extended the camp by building new cabins and arranging new activities to accommodate for the new members." New cabins sound good to me! Some of the oldest ones were getting a bit shabby.

"There is the usual sixty of you girls this year and we have managed to round up around forty boys to attend for this trial. For the first few days you will all be doing separate day and evening activities so that you can all get used to the new routine and activities before we mix it up and get you to start working in groups of both boys and girls." Rhi continued.

"They better extend the trial, I like the look of the boys here, and some of them are hot as hell!" Katie whispered in my ear.
"You little slut, Katie." I whispered back with a giggle, messing around with her. I always joked about her being a slut, she did flirt with almost anyone so she had herself a little reputation. I was surprised that she still had her virginity.

"I am not! You know what though?" Katie asked as Rhi carried on with her introductions.
"I'm pretty sure I saw the you-know-who brothers with that rugby ball earlier." My heart rate began to sky rocket. I turned to Katie with hopeful and widened eyes.
"Are you serious? The Lake brothers? They wouldn't come to our girly camp!" I replied, brushing off her comment.
"Who?" Rachel said leaning into our little conversation.
"Just the two hottest guys from our school back in England." Katie beamed.

The Lake brothers, HERE? The two biggest man whores from our year and they were both here? I'll believe it when I see it!

"Hmm, we will have to see about that." Rachel twisted her lips up into a half smile. Rachel was so quirky and as soon as we joined the camp we all became instant friends. Like Katie, she had an appearance that every girl would want. She always had her chocolate brown hair and makeup perfect and her outfits were always spot on. Rachel was a fashion life saver when I didn't know how to do my hair or wasn't sure on what to wear.

I was rather surprised that she even came to a summer camp which involved crawling in mud and jumping in lakes.

Rhi continued with her introductory speech.
"Without further delay you can now take a look at our new camp layout for this year and see which cabins you will be staying in, after finding your cabin number please retrieve your keys from Miss Allen." She stated whilst pointing to the large display board to the far side of the room. "You girls will be with your usual cabin buddy's unless it has been arranged otherwise. Please grab your things and we will see ya'll later." Rhi smiled and walked towards the display board. The room erupted with girly gossip as we all got up from the floor and made our way to the board.

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