- Twenty -

67 4 0

♢ Ryan ♢

I knew she needed a distraction from the events of the past week because it's all everyone asks about and talks about in front of her. I could see how much it was bothering her and that's why I came up with the idea of having a date. It would be away from everyone else, just me, her and no conversations about Jane.

After getting the tree house ready for our little date, I returned to my cabin to get changed into something smarter. Showing Laura that I was serious was my main aim. I put on a white short sleeved shirt and a pair of beige shorts. The evenings were way too warm here for trousers. 

"Why so dapper?" Oscar looked me up and down as I walked out of the bathroom.
"Yeah, what are you up to?" Matt narrowed his eyes at me before laughing. I rolled my eyes and continued to fix my hair into its usual style.

"All Laura ever has to speak about is what happened and what's going to happen." I said with a sigh.
"I want to take her away from it all, to distract her. She needs to think about something else, and if I'm being honest... I want that to be me." I finished and turned to look at them both.

Oscar laughed before saying "Soppy bastard, but fair enough!" Whereas, my brother actually showed some understanding and patted me on the shoulder before following it with a small smirk.
"She would be incredibly proud of you." He whispered close to my ear before leaving the cabin himself. I assume he had his own plans with Rachel tonight. 

I instantly knew who he was talking about. I hoped she was proud of me anyway. I smiled to myself and told Oscar I would see him later.

His only response was to chuck a condom at me.
"Stay safe buddy." He winked.
"You know full well that is not my intentions for this evening." I scowled at him before grabbing a lighter from the side for the candles in the tree house.

"Just in case though. You need to be prepared, she might pounce on you like a Lion." He chuckled to himself before pocketing a few condoms and leaving me alone in the cabin. I didn't think him and Katie had moved that far forward into their relationship, i'd barely seen them make out. 

I was about to decide what to do with the condom when he suddenly came back in laughing even more. I frowned at him in confusion.

"I didn't realise how funny I was but... if you two had kids there would be baby Lyan's and Raura's! Get it?! Lion ... Lyan ... Roar... Raura!" He carried on laughing.

"Too far Oscar, I'm not even with her!" I said with a hint of amusement, because fair play to him, it was quick thinking.
"Fine, fine, just don't forget that!" He said, pointing at the condom in my hand. I looked down at it and back up to him. 
"Where are you off to anyway?" I eyed him suspiciously. He was unusually happy. 

He replied by tapping the side of his nose with his index finger. 
"Come on, tell me!" I wasn't going to leave without an answer. 

"Fine..." He leaned against the doorway, unable to wipe the happiness away from his face. 
"I'm going to ask Katie to be my girlfriend!" He beamed. 

"Good on you!" I was happy for him. "How's that going to work after camp?" I raised a brow, as I don't think that sort of long distance relationship would work. 

"I spoke to Rachel, she's moving to the UK for Uni, I'm not going to go to Uni but I thought fuck it, I may as well move over too!" Oscar announced. 

"Awesome! At least that way, we will all be able to see you again!"
"Yeah, can't wait, never really liked living here to be honest! Anyway, must rush, don't want to keep her waiting!" He winked and stepped out of the cabin, his footsteps fading into the distance. 

I decided to put the condom in my wallet, most guys kept one in their wallet, right? I wasn't planning on using it though.


I arrived back at the tree house and lit the candles. I had twenty minutes before Laura  was supposed to get here. It was safe to say I was rather nervous.

On the other hand, I was pretty excited and grateful because I begged Rhi for ages if I could use the tree house for the evening, she eventually gave in when I pressed on the fact that Laura needed some time to relax after what had happened. She stressed that there was to be no 'funny business' of course.

After making sure everything was ready and perfect I sat cross legged on the bed and waited. I kept glancing at my phone, waiting for the minutes to go by.

When my phone finally showed 18:55 I heard her footsteps on the staircase outside. My heart began to race. Why was I on edge so much? Maybe I'm just scared of screwing this up and hurting her. I've never done anything like this for anyone before. I looked around the room at the candles and food laid out on the table. I'm glad I didn't go for the rose petals, which would have been a bit much.

My eyes darted towards the door when there was a gentle knock and the door edged open. Laura slowly entered the small tree house room. Her eyes made her way around the effort I had put in before her gaze landed on me. He face lit up with an immediate smile and my stomach tied itself in mini anxious knots.

"Hello." I said plainly, smiling back at her.
"I didn't realise this was a slumber party." She laughed nervously.

"It's not too much is it?" I asked with a smirk as she looked around the room again. She shook her head.
"Of course not, it's beautiful." She slipped her shoes off and sat down next to me on the bed. I couldn't hide my grin.
"That's a relief, do you want a drink?" I asked her, pointing to the minimal selection of drinks on the table.

"Yes please." She looked towards the selection. "Orange juice please." I got up and poured her a drink before getting myself some cola.
"Here you go." I handed her the plastic cup. "Thank you." She took a small sip before placing it on the bed side table.

I was about to start talking when she beat me to it.
"Ryan?" Her eyes landed on mine. I sat down next to her, indicating that I was listening. "Has this got anything to do with what happened last week? Because honestly, I feel better. If anything, I should be doing something like this for you. I have put you through so much stress lately and you have also been through so much in the past few years, and I was so quick to judge you for being a 'bad boy' when you were just hurting and you have proved everyone wrong and now you're doing all this when it should really be the other way round, especially when you have been dealing with so much more stuff and-"

Her rambling made me smile but I think she was getting a bit carried away. I shut her up with the only way I knew how. I quickly leaned towards her and connected our lips.

After a few seconds she relaxed into my kiss and eventually kissed me back, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me down so we were laying on the bed.

I was really enjoying the kiss and her touch was driving me insane but I knew I couldn't take it any further. I pulled away gently and held her head with one of my hands, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She smiled at me sheepishly.

"Yes, this sort of has something to do with what happened last week, because I know you need a break from having to constantly talk about it, so this right here..." I gestured to the room we were in. "... is a negativity free zone." I grinned at her lying next to me. "And... don't worry about me, this is a chance for us to get to know each other better, you don't owe me anything Laura."

"Well, I did just get to know your lips a little better." She looked down at my lips and then back up at my eyes and laughed at me. I pouted at her.
"That's what I'm supposed to say, cheeky!" I said in return before smiling again.
"Sorry Ryannnn." She said soppily. "But on a serious note... I really do like your kisses."

"I'm glad to hear it, but the 'taking it slow' rule that we agreed on still stands okay?" She nodded with a small smile.

"Good, you're too important to me now, I don't want to rush a thing."

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