- Four -

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♢ Laura ♢

"GOOD MORNING LAURA!" Katie and Rachel both shouted at the top of their lungs as they jumped on my bed. Unfortunately they were both early birds and I enjoyed a nice lay in. Some people have no respect for my sleep needs!
"Whaaaat." I groaned whilst covering my head with one of the pillows.
"Day two in cabin twenty four and Laura has already over slept." Rachel spoke in a commentator voice.
"In other words Laura, we need to be at the breakfast meeting in five minutes." Katie added, glancing down at her watch. I shot up quickly and realised that they were both fully dressed and ready to go.
"Shit, why didn't you get me up earlier, you bastards!" I laughed a little and then ran to the bathroom.
"Because you said you didn't want to be woken up early. We know how much you love your sleep." Rachel laughed. Me on the other hand, I was rushing about to get ready in time.
"Touché." I stated whilst struggling to fit into my skinny jeans. I was an expert at getting ready with minutes to spare as I had now managed to get dressed, wash my face, put my hair up into a bun and put some light makeup on just before I was ushered out of the cabin by the girls and directed towards the food hall.

We walked into the food hall and we were surprised to see that it was jam-packed with all of the other campers and it appeared that we were late, my bad. There weren't any seats left so we just stood to the side, luckily not many pairs of eyes landed on us as we entered.

"Right, I think everyone is here now." Rhi began, nodding to herself as she gazed around at everyone in the room. "Good morning everyone, I hope you all enjoyed your first night, but now the real fun begins." She continued. "Today you will receive your schedules for the next three days. For your activities the girls will be split into four groups and the boys will be split into two groups. After being in these groups for three days, we will be hosting the first whole camp activity on Friday evening, where the girls will be competing against our new boys for the first time!"

We were then instructed to get into the correct groups and we collected our timetables from the staff members. Luckily, we stayed into groups with our cabin buddies. Unluckily, Jane and her friends were also in our group.
"Just try and be civil with her, okay?" Katie suggested. I just replied with a reluctant look and grabbed some toast from the kitchen area before sitting down at one of the tables which was now free. I was trying to be smart and listen to Rhi call out of the boy's names but she had other ideas.
"Boys, I haven't actually bothered to put you in groups so if you can just split yourselves in half, that would be great." Rhi smiled as the boys started shuffling about. I couldn't see if Ryan was there though. I was yet to get my confirmation of his presence at camp.


Our first activity for the day in our new groups was baseball, a game I never got on with.
"Girls, please split yourselves into two teams for today's game." Jenny, one of the instructors stated as we reached the playing field. Katie, Rachel and I were in the opposing team to Jane and her friends and unfortunately, we had to bat first, what made it even worse was that Jane was given the job of being the bowler.

When it came to my batting turn I knew it wasn't going to pan out well. Jane gave me a sweet look before changing it into a bitchy scowl. I had a feeling she knew I liked Ryan, she has been off and on with him in the past, but am I really that much of a threat, it's not like he even gives a flying fuck about me.

Jane got ready to throw and I got ready to bat. She hurled the ball towards me, I knew she wasn't aiming properly. SMACK. The hard baseball hit me right on the shin.

"Ahhh!" I hissed and bent down to clutch my leg.
"Oops, I didn't mean that." She said trying to act apologetic, scoffing out a laugh.
"Are you being bloody serious?" I shot back at her, this being one of the first time's I had actually tried to stand up to her. It didn't get anywhere when Jenny heard my comment.

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