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The feeling of rough fingertips gently brushing against my skin woke me from my deep sleep. Shapes I could not identify in my sleepy state, were being traced on my skin.
I stirred, slowly blinking my eyes into focus. Legs tangled together, fingers intertwined. His scent filtered through my nostrils as I buried my face further into his chest.
I lifted my head and was met with those striking yet soft electric blue eyes. His eyes looked tired, but with that color they still looked very much alive.
A smile played at his lips. "Good morning darling."
His morning voice was the sexiest thing I had ever heard in my entire existence. Raspy and deep, sort of husky. His hair was flat against his forehead and disheveled.
"Good morning Luke." I grinned.
God this boy has made me smile more in the last few weeks than I had in years.
"What's the time?" He asked.
I rolled away from him so I could check my phone on the nightstand. "It's 7:49 a.m." I scooted back over to where he lay. "Do you have to go?" I whined.
He motioned for me to lay back down. I lay on top of him, my forearms resting on his chest, my head then resting on my forearms. I was still much shorter than him from this position. My head just reaching his chin.
"No, not yet." He chuckled, pushing a stray hair which had fallen in front of my eye, back into place.
"What are you doing today?" I traced his collarbones, watching my finger as I did so.
"I'm gonna spend some time with the boys. Unfortunately I have to wait two more days until you're ungrounded." He sighed.
I giggled. "Eh the boys are more fun than I am anyway."
He furrowed his eyebrows together and smirked. "Fun isn't exactly the word I would use for them. Crazy, loud, stupid, energetic, hilarious, those are some words."
"Luke you love them more than anything." I corrected.
The blonde boy grinned. "Yeah I suppose I do."
"Alyse!" A voice called.
Holy fucking shit.
I'd completely forgotten about the fact that my mom and Greg were home. I was so enchanted by the fact that I had woken up next to Luke yet again, that I forgot we weren't as alone as it seemed.
If they found Luke, I would be in serious trouble. So would he. I don't care what they'd do to me but I honestly had no idea what harm might come to Luke.
Footsteps sounded up the stairs. Luke's eyes went wide. I'm sure mine did too.
"Fuck," I cursed, looking around the room. I hopped up, pulling Luke with me. I shoved his jacket and shoes into his arms and pushed him into the bathroom. "Hide in here." I pointed to the shower. It was dumb because the shower had a glass door but I didn't know what else to do. I shut the bathroom.
I scurried to my bedroom door unlocking it, and opening it a crack. "Y-yes?"
My mother stood before me, peeking over my head to see inside my room. "Did you sneak out last night?"
"Wh-what? No!" I answered.
"Well the back door was unlocked this morning when Greg left for work. I locked it before I went to bed." She explained, crossing her arms.
"I didn't sneak out," I tried to keep my voice even. I just helped a boy sneak in. "Maybe you didn't really lock it?"
She eyed me. It felt as though she could see right through me, like I was glass. "Hm, maybe I didn't," She seemed unconvinced. "I'm headed to work, I expect no trouble from you."
"Alright, bye." I closed my door, when I heard her going back downstairs I locked the door, in case she happened to pop in one last time.
"Luke!" I whisper-yelled, pushing open the bathroom door.
He smirked through the glass. "I'm in your shower already? Care to join me?"
I rolled my eyes and pulled the door open, Luke walked out interlacing our fingers.
"That was too close for comfort." I exhaled. I didn't realize I had been holding my breath the whole time until oxygen filtered through my nose.
"I know. I don't want to give them the wrong part of me as a first impression."
"Luke there is no wrong part of you." I stood at the edge of the bed, Luke stood in front of me holding my hands.
He placed his hand on the back of my head, and bent down to kiss my forehead.

Around 1 p.m Luke left. We had watched a couple movies, ate, lounged around, and did my favorite thing, taking to each other.
Luke was the easiest person to talk too. He was open minded and listened without judgement. He made me feel like I could really be myself and it would be okay.
Calum came by and picked Luke up. The guys were headed to some party later that night.
Michael called me and insisted I go, but I really couldn't take a chance on sneaking out, especially now.
I sat on the kitchen counter preparing a fruit smoothie when my phone rang.
Unknown Caller
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey Aly!" A voice beamed.
"Uh who's calling?" I questioned, hopping off the counter and making myself comfortable on the couch.
"It's Crystal." She replied. I could feel her smirking through the phone.
"Do you need something?" I asked, trying to sound as polite as possible.
"Yes actually I do. There's this wicked party tonight and I need you to come with me."
Why the fuck would Crystal invite me to a party? I'm sure it's the same party the guys were going to.
"If it's the same party the guys are going to, just hangout with them." I said, irritation most likely evident in my voice.
"You see Aly, it is the same party, and Bryana cannot go. She's pretty much the only hot friend I have besides the boys and I do not feel like playing 5th wheel," She explained. "You, you're not so ugly. I want you to go with me because I cannot look like a loner."
I rolled my eyes. Crystal had been nothing but rude to me ever since we met. There was no way I was going to a party with her. Besides, should I take the 'you're not so ugly' as a compliment or insult?
"Okay, no offense Crystal...but we're not exactly friends." I scratched my head.
She laughed. "Do you think I'm stupid? Of course we're not friends, but this will benefit the both of us so why not help each other out?"
"How will this benefit me? Besides, I'm grounded anyways."
"Aly honey, Luke wants you to go. I know he does. I was with Bry earlier and he called her asking for advice about being chill because he likes you. He wants you at this party and as much as it pains me to admit, I need you there."
"Crystal I don't know I'm already in tro-"
"Perfect! I'll be by around 8:00 to make sure you look banging!" She screeched, then hung up before I could respond.
This is...this is wonderful. I'm risking my ass to go to a party for a self centered bitch who doesn't even like me.
On the plus side Luke will be there, and the other guys.
This will be interesting, really, really interesting.

Okay so personally I don't know how to feel about this chapter, it kind of went downhill lol. It's been awhile since I've updated so I apologize. Hopefully you sort of liked this chapter, the next one will be way better I promise. What do you think will happen? Maybe Crystal has more in store than she's letting on? Will Aly get caught? Sorry for the shitty writing this chapter. I realize it's quite short but I will most likely update again tonight or tomorrow. Much love xx

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