First Case

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"Honey are you sure you want to be like Chistopher?" Dad asked me this question again and again eversince I told him I wanted to be NCIS. "Yes dad I'm very sure about it. Besides Chris will be there to take care of me." I went out to the front yard to put my bags in the car. "Are you excited hon?" Mom asked while she went in the passenger's seat. Dad went in the driver's seat and I went in the backseat. "I'm super excited to see my brother again." We drove from Alabama to New Orleans. We had some stops to eat and rest for awhile. I fell asleep. "Honey we're here." I woke up and saw that we we're parked out side a cafe. I told them to drop me off once we reached New Orleans even if I didn't know what to do. I went out and got my things. For the record I only brought a backpack with my clothes,football,money and a baseball bat. "Mom, dad I'm gonna miss you guys." I hugged them both. "Honey I know you'll do great and you'll know what to do but I also know that you need a map so here." Dad gave me a map of the city and it had marks of which diners and restaurants were good. We said our goodbyes and they went off. I went inside the cafe to buy something. "Give me something good." I put money on the counter. "I'm sorry everything we sell is good. Why don't you read the menu. Oh wait you don't know how to read; you're from Alabama." The man told me while chuckling. BOOM. I punched him right in the nose. He fell and stood up to try and fight back. He went over the counter and was about to punch but I dodged it and knocked him out.

*20 minuits later*

The cops came and drove me to the station. "What's your name?" The officer asked me. "Mackenzy Lasalle." The man I punched earlier came in and he had a nose bleed. "Officer can I talk to her please?" He nodded and left us. "I'm sorry 'bout what I did earlier. I guess I'm pretty hot headed." I told him honestly. "No, I'm sorry. What I did wasn't good and the reason is cause my boss pushes me around alot." I smiled to show that I had no more hard feelings. "Look don't worry I won't press anything on you but I'm afraid they already called one of your relatives here in New Orleans." He said trying to smile. "It's alright I needed a lift anyway."


"So I punch the guy right in the-" I got cut off by Pride's phone. He picked it up. "A fight in a cafe? You need us? At the police station?" What the hell does the police want now? "Lasalle,Merri we're going to the police." We drove there with some guys waiting for us out side. "So is it a fight between marines?" I asked while he directed us inside. "Actually it's a girl." He said. We walked to the holding area and I saw a girl facing the other direction. "Talk to her and you'll get the info." The officer said and walked away. "Excuse me." She turned around and I couldn't belive my eyes. I hugged her right away and we both laughed. "Bro did you miss me?" "Ofcourse I did." We let go. "Guys this is my baby sis, Mackenzy. Mackenzy this is Agent Pride and Agent Merri, I work with them."


"It's nice to meet you agents." I put on my best smile. "So why are you here at the police station." Chris asked while we were walking back to their car. "I punched a guy 'cause he said something." He smiled and laughed. "That's my girl!" We drove back to HQ. "Mackenzy welcome to the NCIS HQ." Pride told me as we entered. "So Mackenzy are you here for vacation?" Merri asked. "Well actually I was wondering whether I could tag along. I just finished studying major criminology and basic forensics." I aswered back as I was looking around. I turned to see them staring at me. "How old are you exactly?" She asked. "I'm 16." Pride smiled and looked to Chris. RING. He went closer and aswered the phone. "Looks like you're getting your first case. Let's go." We drove to a cool place. It's a dock. "Come on let's see the body." Pride directed us to the a fishing boat with a dead body. "It looks like the arm has a fracture. There's a head concussion and bruises on the limbs. There's some open wounds. I'd say this happened last night." I told them. "Well,well,well who is this intelligent girl?" A woman asked. "Oh this is my baby sister Mackenzy. Mack this is Loretta." "It's nice to meet you. Everything you said is right but we still have to check at the lab." She smiled and they started talking more about possibilities. I went to one of the officers. "Officer who is the one who found the body?" He pointed to an old man and I went to him. "Excuse me sir may I ask some questions?" "Ofcourse. Anything to help." "By the way I'm Mackenzy Lasalle from NCIS." I took out post-it notes and started asking. "Let's start with your name sir." "Jhonson McFly." "Sir how did you find the body?" "Well that's my boat and I planned on going fishing but as soon as I lifted the boat cover I found the body." "At around what time did you find it?" "About 7:20AM." "Do you know anyone who could have seen this happen. Maybe last night or early in the morning?" "Well I hired this kid to look after the dock when I'm not around. His name is Jack Kingston." "Do you know where he lives?" "Not exactly but I know he lives close by." "Do you think he lives within a ten mile radius?" "Yes." "Thanks for your time." I wrote my name and my brother's number on a post it and gave it to him. "If something comes up please give me a call." I went to them and told them the intel.

*To be continued*

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