Sly Fox

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I walk right pass the two and head to the boyfriend's house. I knock on the door and it takes a few seconds for someone to open the door. I expected Carlos but a woman answers instead. "I'm sorry who are you?" I ask the blonde woman. "I'm Carlos' girlfriend. Why?" I start to look around and turn back to her. "Is Carlos here right now?" She shakes her head. "Well I'm part of NCIS and I was wondering if I could ask some questions." She nodds and lets me in. She sits down. "Did something happen to him? Why are you asking questions?" "Nothing happened to him but something happened to his girlfriend." Her experession changes as she hears the words come out of my mouth. "But I'm his girlfriend." "When did you two started dating?" "Just last month." "He started dating Rose Merygold two months ago but don't worry I understand that you don't know about it." She starts to panic slightly not knowing the things her boyfriend has done. "Is it okay if I check his things?" She nodds while still in panic. I go to his room and check the drawers. Nothing. I move to the cabinets then to some boxes under his bed. Jackpot. One shoe box is filled with drugs, bottles and unkown liquids. I get the box then I get out the room and see that she's still going crazy about the new info she just learned. "You should come with me for awhile so that you can calm down." She slowly stands up and follows me. I call a taxi and we pile in the back. When we arrived we went out and I gave the driver some money. I went in the building with her following me and we enter the elevator. "I forgot to ask. What's your name?" "Sharon cobolt." The elevator dings and we walk to the bullpen. I see Gibbs looking at me with an unknown look. I pull my chair and let Sharon sit. I go ahead to Abby's place and show her the box. "How in the world did you get this?" She asked slightly shocked. "I got it in her boyfriend's room." She gets the box from my hand and starts getting samples of everything in it. "Make sure you also run finger prints so that we know it's really him and not the other girl." I tell Abby as she's doing her stuff. "There's another girl?!" She asks in surprise. "Yup." Was all I said as I sat down on one of the chairs. "Will this take long?" I asked her impatiently. "About twenty to thirty minutes." She replied. I got my phone out and started typing in Sebastian's number. "Hello?" He said. "Hey Seb how are you?" "I'm good. How is it in Washington?" "It's real nice here but I haven't gone to all those cool places yet. I don't have time to do that." He makes a weird sound and the signal gets choppy. "I'm sorry. Something happened here. I'll call you later." The line ends. I stand up and tell Abby to call me when It's done. I walk to the elevator and go up.

After around thirty minutes Abby calls me and I head down. "It's a match!" She screams the moment she hears the elevator's sound. I walk to her with a happy expression. "I broke down the drugs and fluids in the poison and it matched all the ones in the box. I also ran finger prints like you said and they match Carlos' prints." "Thanks Abby. You're the best." I grab the printed results and head back to the bull pen. "Gibbs, our guy is Carlos Luther." I say to him as I look for sharon. "Don't worry Sharon's in the waiting room." Tim says. "Carlos cheated on Rose with Sharon. Joseph says that Carlos didn't like it when Rose talked to other guys. Carlos' prints are all over the box found under his bed. The box had the poison. He was at the scene of the crime and might I remind you he didn't call the ambulance at all even if he saw it happening." As I said this to them Gibbs made a call. "Place an arrest for Carlos Luther." After that he put down the phone and stood up. He sat me down on my chair and moved me behind my desk. "Boys treat her with some dinner. I'll take care of Carlos." Tony and Tim had shocked faces when Gibbs said this. He went off to the elevator while the boys look to eachother. "Where do you wanna eat dinner?" Tim asked. "Anywhere. Don't worry it dosen't need to be fancy." I told them. "What do you mean 'not fancy'? It's your first case we gotta eat at the best restaurant." Tony said while standing up. He carried his and my bag then we all went down. "I know someplace you'll definately like." Tony told us with a big grin.

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