Missing In Action

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I stand up and look at his screen to see a picture of a crashed plane. At first I didn't really get it. Then it hit me like a train. "She was the passenger." I say confused and shocked and with plenty other emotions. "WE HAVE TO GO!" I say suddenly without realizing I actually said that. Tim and I rush to the elevator then we hit the button to ground floor. At this point we're already panicking and rushing to the car but I suddenly realized that We can't do anything about it. We can keep on running but we're going nowhere. I slow down the pace and come to a stop. "We can't do anything." Tim looks at me. "We can! We can...we can't...we can't do anything." He says in the moment of realization. "We need to call her family."

I go to McGee's computer to see why they ran out. I read it and I dialed the phone right away. "Dwayne I need to tell you something. There's no conference. Director Vance went to Italy to confront a fugitive and I had to give him something very important. Many people are after it and they know the agents from NCIS. Mackenzy is the only one not yet in the system so she was the one who had to get it through to him. I need you to keep this a secret. Don't tell her brother anything besides the fact that their bodies are still missing." I said all of this in a rush so that I could disperse the information before McGee and Dinozzo come back. I quickly hung up before he could start asking questions. I try to contact Mackenzy to see if they're okay.

NCIS New Orleans

Gibbs hangs up on me right away. I think long and hard about how I'm going to tell Christopher the news. He enters with Brody and I just stare at them. I don't want to tell him cause as of the moment he's happy and laughing but I have to tell him. "Chris take a seat for a while." He looks at me curiously but sits down anyway. "What's up King?" He asks me with a smile. "Mackenzy's plane...crashed." He just stares at me searching for answers that I don't have. He stays silent and tears start roling down his cheeks. "They haven't found any bodies. They're searching the area as we speak." He just stares into the distance and starts to walk outside. Merri looks at me then goes after Chris.


My world is falling apart. I'm losing myself. I stand and go outside to the garden. I take a seat on one of the chairs and just let it all out. "Chris do you want to talk?" Merri asks while taking a seat beside me. I stare at her then she hugs me tightly. I cry my heart out while I slowly get out of touch from the real world. I remember the last time I saw her. The last time I hugged her. How could this happen? She still had so many dreams that she hasn't accomplished. Life is so unfair. It could have happened to anyone. Why her? Why Mackenzy? What did she do to deserve this? My thoughts were all over the place until Brody started speaking. "Chris they haven't found any bodies that means she still could have swam to shore." She said trying to comfort me. I tried to think of positive things but it's hard to think of something good when something bad just happened. It's like forcing yourself to eat when you know you're going to throw up. After awhile I finally let go of Merri and head home.

NCIS Washington
One week later

During the whole week there has been no news whatsoever about Mackenzy. By this time we've all lost hope. As bad as it sounds Mackenzy's gone. We don't like it at all but it's just going to keep on hurting if we keep on waiting for nothing. We've actually got a new probie on the team. Her name is Ellie Bishop. She's blonde and kind of short. She got the desk of  Mackenzy. The only one actually showing grief is Abby. We just keep our emotions to ourselves and act as if nothing's missing. We treat Ellie the same way we treated Mack. We even call her probie. I guess this is just our way of coping with the fact that she's gone.

So is this the end?

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