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We stop at a fancy restaurant that has five stars then we get out. Tony throws the keys to the valet parking guy. "Are you sure you can pay this? I mean we could head to a diner I know that has great steaks and milkshakes." I said to Tony. "Don't worry probie I can pay." He replied as we went in. It has fancy walls, tables,and people. "Only three?" A waiter asks us. In response Tony nods then the waiter leads us to a table near the music performers. "This is really classy Tony." Tim says impressed by the place. We get menus and I pick the medium-rare steak. "Are you addicted to steak?" Tim asks and I reply with a 'yeah'. "Guys did you notice something wrong with Gibbs today?" I asked the boys. "Yeah he seemed grumpy awhile ago." Tony said as the waiter brought our food and drinks. "Maybe director Vance said something." Tim told us. "You have a point because Gibbs was called in awhile ago." We talked alot but when it got late Tony dropped us off to our houses or in my case the apartment.

Next day

"I guess I'll see you in a few weeks." Mack says to me and Tony. "Why did Gibbs assign this to you?" Tony asked. "I don't know honestly. He just said I need to attend a conference in Italy as a representative of NCIS." "Well good luck. We'll be waiting for some pizza and pasta when you come back." I say and she smiles. She boards the private plane and waves good bye through the window. Me and Tony drive back to NCIS.


"Mack is flying to Italy today." I tell Chris. "On her own?!" He asks shocked. He quickly picks up his phone and calls someone; I'm assuming that he just called Mackenzy. "Mackenzy why are you flying alone?!...Yes I am aware that you're going to Italy... Get off that plane now. You shouldn't be alone... Fine. You better be without a scratch once you get back here." Chris ends the call. Merri and I laugh really hard. "What?" He says confused. "Chris I know one thing for sure and it's that Mackenzy can beat up anything that gets in her way." I tell him. "She's just a little girl!" He says it like a mother.


"We should be ones who go to Italy, not probie." I tell Tim while the boss isn't around. "Italy sounds good but I really don't want anymore paper work." He tells me while looking at his computer screen. "We've been here since the dawn of time but the probie who's only been here for a couple of days flies to Italy for a conference she dosen't even know about."  I say without noticing Gibbs. "I've been here since the dawn of time not you Tony." Gibbs tells me with an emotionless face.

At 6:00 pm


I scroll through the news on the computer and something suddenly pops up. 'Breaking news: A private plane crashes.' My chest tightens. I slowly click on the link and it opens up. The first thing I see is a picture of the crashed plane. Now it feels like I can't breathe. I scroll down and see the plane model, N900LD. I try to recall the plane Mackenzy rode in. "She's..." I mutter. "Did you say something?" Tony asked. I couldn't speak so I just looked at him helplessly. He stands and looks at my computer screen.

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