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"Let's go to the EIFFEL TOWER!!" "You're such a tourist. I said I'll take you to gelato not the tower." We enter an abandoned looking building and take the elevator up. The doors open to an aesthetically pleasing rooftop with fairy lights, mason jars, lamps, photographs, and wooden furniture overlooking the city and the Eiffel Tower. "For two?" The waiter asks. He nods and we make our way to a table at the edge. "How the hell do you know about this place?" "I live here. I work here. I know people. I know places." We later receive some gelato as pink as pepto bismol. "This ain't a laxative now is it?" He smileas and shakes his head as a response. We continue to eat. I continues to admire the infamous tourist attraction. As the day sinks deeper into the night, we sink deeper into conversation. "What do you mean have I seduced wealthy businessmen into my room?!" Ace asks genuinely confused. "That's what happens in the movies!" "NO! Of course I haven't seduced any businessmen or anyone for that matter." We leave the building and start walking towards the general direction of the airport. "Walk slower will you," Callahan says. "I only have until midnight you know."  "I know." This conversation is a lot more somber than it lets off. "I won't see you anymore right?" "Yup," I reply trying to sound casual. "Yup," he echoes. "We shouldn't be sad. Me going home means we caught the bad guy. That's what we want right?" "Yeah, that's what we want." He takes each step with reluctance cause each step taken is a step closer to not seeing me. "I'll miss you kid." "I'll miss you too Casanova."

We arrive at the airport and see the director waiting inside. "I'll miss you La Salle." "I'll miss you too Callahan." We enter the airport and Leon waves a hand signaling me to follow. He turns and starts walking. We stand there, looking at the man walking away. "I'll miss you Mackenzy." "I'll miss you too Michael." We inform one another, still looking at where the director stood. When nothing happens I begin walking away. I walk and walk and walk, never once looking back.

Hours later
"Thank you for your time. We'll inform you if we need to ask any more questions," Brody tells the elderly woman. She walks us out and closes the door. "Well that didn't help," I say honestly. "It helped a little." "Merri... she said she saw a 'hooded figure running into the night'. How the hell can that help our case?" "We can check the street's CCTVs for hooded figures running into the night," she replies with a smirk. "Just get in the car." We drive to HQ discussing who to interview next.

We walk in and see Pride smiling at nothing in particular. "You okay boss?" He looks up from his computer and his smile grows even more. "Is it just me or is this getting scary?" I ask seriously. "Hey Pride, this is really-" I look to my left and see the unimaginable. Suddenly everything else didn't matter. Suddenly the world was a better place. "Mackenzy." She runs to me and jumps into my arms. I feel the warmth, and just treasure this moment. "Mackenzy," I say again as a reassurance that this is real. "Mackenzy... What the- wha- Mackenzy." Tears start to flow from my eyes. "I missed you Chris," I hear her say, after months of not hearing her voice. "I missed you too Mackenzy."

Days after
"Hey probie, take a picture of this." Ellie comes closer and crouches down to take a picture of the partial shoe print. "Could be a random person's shoe." "Could be the killer's shoe," I retort. We head to the car and drive back. We all ride the familiar elevator, and the the familiar doors open to the familiar orange walls. We walk through the familiar bullpen, and we see an all too familiar face.

"Macks!" I quickly pull her close and hug her tightly. "Sorry I didn't bring back any pizza or pasta," she comments muffled. "I don't care about that. I care about you." She hugs me even tighter and says, "I care about you too." I let go and Tony quickly takes my place. "What the hell happened to you Probie?" He asks. He lets go after a few more seconds. She and Gibbs look at each other. "La Salle." "Gibbs." He smiles a little and passes her. "Sit down and start talking," Gibbs orders her half jokingly. She sits on his chair. I pull my chair closer to her and we all listen intently. "It all started when I was born..." "Get to the point La Salle," Gibbs orders. "I worked with this cool guy. We took down a fugitive. I ate some authentic gelato while on the rooftop under the night sky with an Eiffel tower backdrop. I flew off into the night." "Damn Macks. Did you hit your head really hard or is all of this real?" "One hundred percent authentic or get your money back," she promises. "You're gonna have to explain in detail the next time we grab dinner," Tony says. "As long as you're buying I'll tell you anything." "It's nice to have you back La Salle but we have a job to finish so you have to leave," Gibbs informs her. Her mouth is agape as her brows knit together. "You couldn't bench me then. You can't bench me now."

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