Getting Real

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It's 5:36 pm already and I still don't know where I'll be living. "Guys just out of curiousity, where do I stay?" I asked Tim and Tony. "You'll be in an apartment." Tony replied. "Say what?" "Don't worry I'll drive you there. You'll also be given some money since you aren't exactly NCIS yet." Gibbs replied with out looking at me. I got up from my seat and started roaming around. I went to the elevator and pressed a random number. It went to a stop and to my surprise I saw a big autopsy room. There was a man standing there by a body and I went close. "Blunt force trauma." I said because of the corpse in front of me. "Yes that's right. Are you the new intern?" He said as he looked up from what he was doing. "Yeah. How did you know?" "Well you are famous around here." I got confused so I kept on asking questions. "Why am I famous?" "Because you solved a case on your first day in New Orleans. You weren't even applying for the job when you solved it." I smiled then we introduced ourselves. Later on I went back down to our floor. "Come on Lasalle." Gibbs told me once I went into his view. I grabbed my bag and waved goodbye to the boys. I got in the passenger's seat and threw my bag at the backseat. We drove not far away and stopped infront of a pretty nice building. I got my things and we went up to the 4th floor. He showed me to my room which is 39 and he gave me a map. "I can't drive you all the time so here's a map. I've marked the route to get to NCIS." After that he left and I started unpacking my stuff then I took a bath and slept.

I wake up feeling hungry so I head out. On my way to NCIS I spot a diner and stop by. "I'll have some fries with steak." I find an empty seat by the window so I sit there. "Here you go." A guy about my age serves me my food. I look at his name tag. "Thanks Logan." He smiled at my remark and left. After my meal I go back on track to get to NCIS on time.

The elevator reaches my floor and I walk to my desk. The moment I sit down Gibbs tells me to stand up. "Lasalle stop sitting around. We've got a case." Tony and Tim laugh at me as we go to the elevator.

We arrive at the park and on the grass there was a dead woman. One police officer went near us. "You first on the scene?" I asked before he started talking. "Yes miss. I found the body 5am awhile ago." Tony pushes me aside and starts asking questions. I look at the body and see Ducky there too. "What's up doc?" I ask him as he examines the body. "Well I'd say time of death is around midnight." He tells me. "Let me guess some kind of drug or poison." I conclude based on the body with no visible injuries. "Good guess." He replies. I go back to Tony and ask him the details. "Well the witness is her boyfriend; name is Carlos Luther. He says they were in the bar across the street. She had a few drinks and started to sweat alot. She said she felt hot so she walked out and tried to reach one of the park benches but she just fell down here." We went back to NCIS and started researching for possible suspects. I went up to Ducky's floor to check the body. "I'm glad you're here Mackenzy but can you please send this sample to Abby." "Who's abby?" "She's just a few floors down. She's in charge of forensics and hopefully you know what that looks like." He put a small cup in my hand then I press nearly all buttons on the elevator. After some floors I reach a place which looks like a lab so I assume this is it. "Hey I'm suppoused to give this to you." I hand her the cup and she smiles. "You must be Mackenzy." "How'd you know?" She moves to one of her computers then turns back to me. "My friend Sebastian told me that you're really good." No way. "You know Basty? That's cool." My phone rings and I see that it's a text telling me to hurry up and get back up to the bullpen. "Sorry I got to go." I rush to the elevator and reach our floor. I run to my desk and see Gibbs with a look I can't describe. "Why do you keep disappearing?" He walks past me and we follow behind him.

We reach the headquarters of the Marines and we get out of the car. A man comes up to meet us. "It's a pleasure to see you all again." He says but clearly it's the first time I've met him. "This is the new probie,Mackenzy." Tony says with a smirk then we walk inside. "It's sad to see cpl. Rose Merygold gone since she was good at her job." "Do you have a list of the people who were deployed in DC for the duration she was here?" "Yes ofcourse I'll order them to make the list asap." He got on the phone and did as he said. "Do you know anyone who she could have gotten a fight with?" "She got along well with everyone. I don't think anyone here would do it to her." We went outside and one of the privates handed us the list. We went to the first one on the list.

Gibbs headed back to NCIS cause the director needed him while me,Tony and Tim headed to Pvt. Carl Epstow's house. In the car it got boring so we started playing 'would you?' "So Mackenzy would you take a bullet for me?" Tim asked me. "I'd take a bullet for any one." I said honestly. "Really probie? I have a hard time believeing you." We had some jokes and laughs until we reached our destination.

What will happen? Find out next time.

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