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"Some of the police were my accomplices in smuggling guns." "Well look at that we didn't catch a killer but we did catch a smuggler." Chris said smiling. "Look I'll give you any thing you need just don't tell me to the cops." "Alright who killed Marc?" He seemed really nervous now. "I don't know the exact person but I do know some people who might." Mack threw a pen and some paper at him. He started writing names on the paper. "Barry johnson, Michael O'Brien, Samuel Marco. If you want to know something they'll always have the answer." We got the paper and went out. We started researching about them and got hits on where they were.


"We're really sorry for doubting you two." Pride said. "It's quite alright." I said with a smile. We headed out to Barry Johnson's house. When we arrived we were in luck cause they were all there. Pride moved to the back door, I moved to the kitchen door while Merri and Chris knocked on the front door. Samuel answered the door with a smug face. "What do you want?" He asked. "You better watch your tone there." Merri said as they both showed their badges. He quickly ran inside and they were about to leave through the kitchen door but I hit one of them with my bat then the other two procceded to the back door but they stopped when they saw Pride with his gun.


First up was Michael O'brien. We sat in the interrogation room in silence. The photos of Marc was placed on the table for them to see. "You know him?" He shook his head. "What's the matter? Cat got your tounge?" Mack asked. "I'm not saying anything until I get my lawyer." I and Mack both groaned from hearing that. "Shut up about your lawyer!" We said in sync. We moved on to Barry. "Speak up already. We won't let you go just cause you ain't talking." "If I tell you the truth will ya lessen my years in jail?" "Maybe. It depends on what crime you did." His eyes got teary. "I did it alright! I'm tired of running away. Those two used to be in the plan but they just couldn't do it so I did. I killed your man." I looked to the glass. "Why?" My sister asked. "Back in the day we used to compete for everything but he always came on top. Even now that we've grown up he still beat me to that position in the marine. It was down to one last person it would either be me or him and sadly it was him who got it." He got cuffed and put to justice.


"So first case." Pride said smiling. I smiled and nodded. "I know you wanna be a part of NCIS and believe me you have the skill and potential it's just that...I can't accept you here." "Don't worry I..." He cut me off by raising his hand then he continued. "New Orleans can't accept you but DC will. You'll leave on Friday." He said smiling like there's no tommorow. "NO WAY!" He just kept smiling. "Does Chris know?" He shook his head. "I want you to tell Chris." He suddenly entered the kitchen. "Tell me what?" He asked with a confused look. I dragged him out side and we sat down at one of the tables. We watched the stars for awhile till I had the courage to speak up. "Bro I...really enjoy being with you. I know it has only been one day but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to leave." He had mixed emotions. "Why is that?" He asked without looking at me. "I've been offered a job in D.C." "Really? What job?" "NCIS." He looked at me with a surprised expression. He smiled alittle but it brought tears to his eyes. I hugged him tightly. "I'm proud of you Macks." "I'll leave on Friday. Don't worry it's only Tuesday." He laughed softly. We let go of eachother. We headed to his house.

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