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I woke up with a smile. I went directly to the kitchen and started making some eggs and bacon. My brother woke up and sat at the table. "What's cooking?" He asked. "Your favourite." He smiled and helped himself to the bacon. "What's the occasion?" "There's no occasion. I just want to make my big brother smile." He chuckled and responded. "Well you don't need to do this to make me smile. Seeing you happy already makes me smile." I started laughing aloud then we hear knocking on the door so I go to the foor and open it. "Hey girl." Brody said in a cheerful tone. "Hey! What are you doing here?" I said as I smiled. "We are going to go shopping so hurry up and get dressed." She pushed me inside and then waved to Chris. I go to my room and change into sweatpants and a shirt then I tie my hair.


"Are you excited?" I asked as He smiled. "Yeah." "Don't worry I won't spend too much." I said as Mack comes out. "Come on Mack." I walk outside as Mackenzy says goodbye to her brother. "Why are we going shopping?" I tried my best to find a good excuse. "Well you're going to attend an important thing when you reach D.C." "So we're shopping for a dress?" She asked so I nodded. We reached the store and went in. "So what kind of dress do you want?" I asked her and she shrugged. "I'm not exactly an expert whaen it comes to dresses." The woman at the shop handed us a catalogue and let us sit down. She smiled when we reached a pastel blue colored dress which was kind of puffy. The dress just hits the knee. "You like that don't you?" "Yeah. I used to have a dress kinda like this when I was a kid cause we attended a wedding party." She tried on the dress and came out. She looked wonderful. "Is it nice?" I felt happy knowing he would like this. "Yeah you look amazing." She changed back to her clothes and we bought the dress. Next we headed to a music store to buy some CDs. She really liked alot of music. After that we went to other shops.


Pride went with me to get ready for tonight. We went to a suit shop and started picking out what I should wear. After about an hour of trying on Tuxedos I finally got to a black one with a bright red tie and I bought it. "Sorry I had to disturb you from doing work." I said to him. "It's fine Lasalle. I just want you to have the best last night with Mackenzy." We went back to HQ and went to the back. We fixed the table and made it all fancy.


Night was coming soon so we went back home. We went inside and Chris wasn't there. "Where is he?" Merri didn't answer and just rushed me in my room. "Hurry up wear your dress." "Why?" I asked laughing. "Please just wear it." I coudn't argue so I just wore it and she helped me. We went back out and in her car. "Wear this." She said as she handed me a blindfold. "Are you kidnapping me or something?" I said jokingly "come on it's a surprise." I wore it and later on the car parked and she helped me out. I walked blind folded then she stopped me. "Are we here?" No one answered so I took off the blind fold. To my surprise I see Chris wearing a tuxedo standing by the table in the garden of NCIS. He went near me and put an arm around me. "What's this?" I asked still stunned. "Well you're leaving tommorow so I wanted to have the best last time with you." I laughed as he pulled the chair for me to sit on. On the table was a large pizza also some burgers and fries. "Haha. I really like your food selection." He sat across me and smiled. Some of my favorite songs played like Valerie, cake by the ocean and way more songs. After eating our food we just sang along to the songs and we started taking a trip down memory lane. "Do you remember when you punched my friend cause he took some of my food?" I asked him. "Yeah and he deserved it by the way." "Do you remember when we hated that one teacher so we messed up her things with peanut butter then we threw some cake at her face?" He asked me. "Yeah! I miss those days." After all the fun we kinda got serious. "I know I missed your sweet 16 so I'm here to make up for that." He said and stood up then a slow song started playing. "Can I have this dance?" I smiled widely and danced with him. "I know I hurt you when I left so I'm sorry." "You don't need to say sorry cause if you never left we wouldn't be having fun now." After that we just sat on a mat and watched the stars. "I'll miss this." I told him. "I'll miss this too." I fell asleep so Chris carried me to the car.

I wake up still in the dress but I'm in my room. I take a bath and change into some pants and a shirt. My flight was at 9am and right now it's 6am. Luckily I packed my stuff in advance. I went to the kitchen and saw my brother making pancakes. "Goodmorning sugar." He handed me a plate with a stack of pancakes and some syrup. I sit down and he sits down across me. "Do you really want me out of your life?" I asked him jokingly. "No I'm just proud of my baby sis." After eating we go to NCIS. "Hey!" I said once we entered. "Good luck on your new job." Brody tells me. "Yeah I know you'll do great." Pride says. A black car pulls up and a guy comes out. "Hi you must be Mackenzy." He put his hand out for me to shake but instead I just high five it. "Who are you?" I ask. "Oh I'm Timothy McGee from NCIS Washington." "No way! You're the computer expert. It's real nice to meet you." He smiled at what I said. "We need to get going now. I'll put your bag in the car." He got my bag and left. I got my bat and gave it to Chris. "I need you to take care of this for me. You can use it to knock someone unconsious." He hugged me tight. "I'll miss you Macks. Be a good girl will ya." I said my goodbyes to Pride and Merri. I hopped in the passenger seat and plugged in my phone for music. "So it's just us?" I asked him. "Yup. The boss told me to accompany you in the flight to DC." We drove off to the airport and departed.

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