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3 months later

"Where are we going next Casanova?" I ask Callahan sitting across me as the waitress smiles at him while handing him a piece of paper. It probably has her number on it. "You've got to stop calling me Casanova." He says with a little smirk. "You know all the women you come across want to get with you." I state as a matter of fact. "Not all." "Really? Give me one woman who doesn't swoon over you." He thinks for awhile and it hits him. "You." He says with a chuckle. Michael Ace Callahan. A good guy. A good partner even. When I met him I thought he was a kill joy but he proved me wrong. It's sad when I start thinking about how good he is cause sooner or later once we have the culprit I'll have to leave Europe and that meant I'd have to leave him too. "You okay?" He asked as he stood up. "Yeah. I'm good. So where are we going?" He shrugged it off and we left the restaurant. "Director Vance says there're no leads. He probably moved on to the next country." We walked down the street and suddenly my phone starts ringing. "Hey Leo!" "Please don't call me that Lasalle. You're going to Paris tonight. Pack your stuff and head to the airport." Before I could respond he hung up on me. "Where?" Ace asked. "The city of love." I say as cheesy as possible.

2:00 pm

"Economy. Really?" I faced Mack and all I got was a shrug. "Not my fault. I guess we have to blend in." We board the plane and we see it. We see the real reason why we're traveling to Paris. Bryan Cobalt is on this plane. We put our things on our seats and ask the stewardess if we could see the pilot. "Sorry you can't go in there." We flash our badges and she quickly lets us through. "A fugitive is on the plane. We need you to delay this flight. Make something up." Mackenzy says as I show my badge. He nods and starts making an announcement. We head back and Mack walks towards his seat while I creep up behind. "We don't have to make a scene. Just come with us quietly and you won't get hurt." He looks at Mack with rage in his eyes and says, "The day I turn myself in is the day I die." He stands up and points a gun at himself." People start screaming and making commotions. Before things got out of hand I put him in a headlock and she disarms him. I cuff him and make a call to Vance. "Hey Director Vance we got him." "What!? You weren't suppose to arrest him. We brought back up and we secured the premises of the airport so that once you land we'd arrest him." "With all due respect Sir it's not like you gave us instructions." He made a grumbling sound and told me to continue the flight and watch him. I sat at Bryan's seat and he sat on my seat so that Mack can watch him. I went to the pilot and told him that we could depart but before we could, people started getting off the plane and said that they didn't want to fly with a killer. I couldn't blame them.


"You better behave." I tell Bryan as a warning. He looks at me and smiles. "I'm not sure if I can behave around you." He starts to chuckle.

Hours later

"Leo!" I shout as I walk towards him. "Good job Lasalle. You're finally going home. Do you want to leave right now?" I wanted to scream 'yes' but at the same time I want to explore Paris. "Until when's the latest that I can stay here?" "Midnight... I'm assuming you want to roam around Paris with your partner." I nod and he just smiles. He starts to walk away and I make my way to Ace. "I thought you were leaving." He says while standing from the bench. "Don't you remember your promise to me?" I ask him and a smile slowly creeps up on his face. "I'll take you out for gelato?" "Exactly."

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