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"Well we're here." Tim said while looking around. We all went down and I knocked on the door. A man opens the door. "Are you Carl Epstow?" I asked. "Yes." "We're NCIS and we wanna ask some questions." He let us in and the boys sat down but I didn't. If there's one thing I learned from these things it's that you gotta keep standing cause you never know when they'll run. "Do you know Rose Merygold?" Tony asked. "Yeah. She's the corporal. Why?" "She was found dead this morning." He turned his head side ways. "Do you know something about it?" Tim asked. "No. That's not true. She can't be dead." We look to eachother as Carl panics. "Come on Carl spill it." Tony said demandingly. I push both of them off the couch and tell them to back off alittle. "Carl." I touch his knee and it causes him to look me in the eye. "Please tell me what you know. I know It's never easy to hear this kind of news but you gotta pull your self together just for awhile." He looks hesitant but calms down enough to get his thoughts together. "I heard some of the crew talking about knocking her out for good and ending it with a bang. I wanted to tell the captain but the moment they saw me stand up they told me that they'd knock me too if I told anyone so I kept to my self and decided to just look out for Rose. I was expecting a gun shot or someone with a knife but it never came." I stand up. "That's because she died of poison. It would really help if you knew the names of those men." He also stands then gets some paper and a pen. He writes down a name. "I'm sorry I don't know the other guys." "How many were they?" "Three." I nodded and we went out. "How'd you do that probie?" Tony asked. "Do what?" He got in the driver's seat, Tim got in the passenger's seat and I stacked up in the back seat. "Get him to talk." Tony replied. "I guess it's just my 'bama charm." They both laughed at what I said. "Are you telling us that everyone from Alabama is charming." "I don't know about everyone but both my brothers are charmers." We drove to NCIS to report the new intel. "Why are you here? I told you to go to the people on that list." Gibbs said with a hint of irritation. "Boss we got a killer." He kept his cool and answered back. "Well who is it?" "It's joseph smith. He's also a marine. Carl claimed that he heard Joseph talking with two other men about knocking Rose out." I told him. We stood in awkward silence for some time till Gibbs bursts out. "Get to work then!" We move to our desks and research about Joseph. I recieve a text from Abby telling me to go down. "I'm heading to Abby." I say out loud. I reach her floor and see her doing some experiment. "How did you even get my number?" I ask. "I got it from Gibbs and I've found out what was in her drink. It's some kind of mixture of different drugs. When they're mixed together and consumed they can cause the body temperature to increase rapidly and make you pass out but in this case the amount was too much so it caused her to die." I thought long and hard about it and saw a possibility. If the amount was right then it would just knock her out. "Thank you so much Abby!" I run to the elevator and to the bullpen. "Guys! Joseph didn't kill her." They look at me weirdly for suddenly screaming. "Why do you say so?" Tim asked. "In the account given to us by Carl Joseph said that he'd knock her out then end it with a bang. When you poison someone it never really ends with a bang. Abby said that the poison could have just knock her out with the proper amount but clearly the one who put the poison wanted her dead for good." They look at me silently. "We still have to check his alibi. Dinozzo,Mcgee stay here. Lasalle let's go." Gibbs told us suddenly as he stood up. We went out to the car and headed for the Marine dock. We arrived and walked to the ship. "Agent Gibbs what brings you here?" A woman in uniform asks us. "We need to ask some questions to your marines." He said. "Come on then. Who do you need to talk to?" "A guy named Joseph Smith might be involved in one of our cases." She calls the man walking down the hall and he comes near us. "I'm agent Gibbs and this is agent Lasalle we need to bring you back to NCIS for questioning." He nodded. "Yes sir." He walked by our side while going to car. When we got in Gibbs and Joseph made small talk. We arrived at NCIS and we went to the interrogation room. Gibbs went in first and I just stayed in the viewing area. "Someone told us that you wanna knock Rose out." Gibbs said. "I know I said that but believe me it's not what you think. When I said I'd knock her out I meant at boxing. The marines have a thing that we do during our break to keep us entertained. They scheduled a little boxing match between us and when I said it'd end with a bang it's because that's my signature move 'the bang'." "You stay here and I'll ask other people if your story is true." With what he said he went out of the room and left. I went in and he had an aren't-you-too-young look on his face. "Hey Joseph. I believe that you didn't kill her so all you have to do is prove that I'm correct." I told him honestly. "Why do you believe me?" "Because you're a nice guy and on the way here I didn't sense a murderer. Believe me I know what a murderer sounds like." He chuckled alittle. "Look just tell me what ever information that you know and I promise you, you won't get anywhere near jail." "I was talking to Rose the other time and she told me about her boyfriend or husband. She said he was alittle over the top when it came to her talking to other guys. That's all she told me." I smiled as he also did. "Don't worry. I'll fight for you." I said then stood up. "Thank you. What's your name?" He asked before I could go. "It's Mackenzy." I went out the room then saw Tony and Tim looking at me with killer stares. "Gibbs won't like this." Tony tells me with a hint of victory in his voice. "I don't care what Gibbs thinks because I know Joseph is inoccent."

Who is the killer? Is Joseph inoccent? Why didn't the boyfriend call an ambulance?

Find out next time.

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