Prom Prom Prom part 2

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Ally's POV:

My highlight of the night so far has been dancing with Austin. It was so sweet of him to do that, even in front of Cassidy.

"Hey Ally!" Allyson, the girl who's friends with Dallas, said approaching me.


"Tonight's been so fun, right?" She giggled.

She was probably having way more fun than me you know, she got to dance with Dallas and all.

"Yup, so fun," I sighed.

"You know you are so lucky to have gotten to dance with Austin. All the girls in this room would die to do that, including me," she gushed.

She liked Austin? Hmmmm interesting....

"Well your so lucky to have gotten to dance with Dallas," I smiled.

"You saw that?" She blushed.

"Yeah, I did. I would totally trade with you," I joked.

"Really? If I introduce you to Dallas would you introduce me to Austin?" She asked.

I was so excited. "Yes! Diffidently!"

"Ok, awesome!" She smiled giddily before she was pulled into a conversation with someone else and I was alone again.

I watched Dallas dancing with other girls and every once in awhile, I caught a glimpse of Austin and Cassidy.

-later that night-

Austin and I walked through the front door exhausted.

But there are times when you're so tired that you can't fall asleep. This was one of those times.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Austin suggested.

I thought that would help, so we made a pallet on the ground in front if the tv. It was called 'Flipped', about a guy and a girl in their early teens falling in love.

About half way through the movie, Austin noticed the tears rolling down my face.

"Ally, what's wrong?" He asked, turning to me.

"Nothing really, it's silly," I said wiping the tears away.

"No really, what's wrong?" He moved closer to me and gently put his hand on top of mine.

The contact made my whole arm buzz.

I looked down at our hands, and then up at him. "I really thought I would get a chance to dance with Dallas, but he never even looked at me tonight."

"Forget about him, he's not that great."

"You're right. I don't even remember why I like him...just because he has dark hair, kind eyes, and a great smile....ok, I remember exactly why I like him," I frowned.

"That guy doesn't know what he's missing. You're awesome," Austin smiled, giving my hand a little squeeze before letting go.

I felt a lot better afterwards. "Thanks, Austin. That's really sweet."

"No problem. You deserve better than him anyway," he scoffed, before returning to the movie.

Who was 'better' than Dallas? No one that I can think of off the top of my head.

And I couldn't shake off that feeling that went through me when Austin held my hand.

Haha I used real lines that they said in the show. :P anyways, please vote and comment!

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