Breaking the news

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Austin's POV:

"...what happened?" Ally asked, almost not wanting to know.

I swallowed before backing out of the parking space. "Uh, Dallas... he said some things that would probably really offend you, so I'll spare you the details. But please, don't get involved with him."

Ally then looked worried. "Was it about me? You? What did he say, Austin?"

I paused a moment before deciding to tell her. "He said some things about you--not saying what. But he has a girlfriend... And the things he said weren't very respectful towards you OR his girlfriend."

Ally nodded. "I was just talking to her earlier."

"His girlfriend?"

"Yeah, Allyson Parker. She's a really sweet girl. She was the one who originally set Dallas and I up. But today she apologized saying that one thing lead to another and now they're together," she sighed.

I could tell she was a little hurt, or sad, or maybe both. "I'm sorry Alls."

She just shrugged and looked out the passenger side window silently.

When Ally doesn't respond to what you say, you know something's really wrong. She almost always has an answer.

Ally's POV:

I wanted to cry. Well, actually, I wanted to do a lot of things. When someone you've had a crush on for 5 years turns out to be nothing like you thought, it's disappointing.

"I'll do the dishes tonight," Austin offered, even though it was my turn. He gave me a soft smile before returning to the road.

"She liked you, you know," I suddenly said out loud.

"Who?" Austin questioned, having no idea what in the world I was referring to.

"Ally Parker."

He raised an eyebrow. "If I had known that an hour earlier it would've been so much easier to stand up to Dallas," he joked. I rolled my eyes.

"Why has she never talked to me?" He then asked curiously.

I shrugged. "Well, it's kinda like how I was with Dallas. Too shy to approach."

"I get it," he sighed smugly, "I mean look at me, who wouldn't be intimidated?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Though deep deep down, I knew it was true.


Vote/ comment. New chapter coming tomorrow! (:

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