Link Start!

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Melody P.O.V
I walk infront of Asuna's room door, I knock. After a second she says,
"Come in."
I open the door to see Asuna sitting on her bed and reading up on some information about SAO. I say,
"You can always rely on me, I know mostly everythinh about SAO, like the creater and all that jazz."
I put on a smirk while I sit on the floor of her room, where I'm going to be putting on the nerve gear soon. She faintly smes and says,
"Ok, but first thing we stick together, ok? I don't want you to be the first one to die."
I cross my hard with my fingers and say,
"I cross my heart and hope to die."
And I don't know the rest so that's literally all I say every time I use that phrase. Oh, by the way. I'm 12 years old, and tomorrow is my birthday, so this is a special ocassion for me because it's a birthday gift from our parents. I look at the clock and see its literally 1 minute before the launch of the game. I say,
"Let's put them on and say link start. Why say link start even, that's just weird..."
Asuna sighs and puts h er nerve gear on while I do the same after her. Once we saw the minute pass on the corner of the nerve gear we both said in unision,
"Link Start!"
Once I said that, a vortex of colors would suck me into the game, but not yet, I would first have to make an avatar. Since I'm simple, I'll just leave it as me. I then put my username as Melody, because I don't want to be called what I'm not. After I hit the finish button with my finger, the game sucks me into the actual virtual game, onto the first floor of Aincrad, The Town of Beginnings.
I look around to see that other players are spawning in around me, except for Asuna...WHERE'S ASUNA?! I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see Asuna there, she hasn't changed and features either I don't think, if so I haven't noticed them. I say,
"Hey, you wanna go get some weopons and fight some monsters?"
I go in a ninja pose while she laughs at my weird reactions. She says,
"Ok but let's hurry so we can get enough experience to level up at least once."
I start to head towards the marketing area of The Town of Beginnings. Asuna follows and says,
"So, only swords huh? I guess we have to practice."
By we, she means me, because I am bad at swordsmanship, even though we live in Japan, I still suck with super trainers too.
Anyway, I lightly punch her in the arm and say,
"You know how well I suck with swords."
She shrugs and says,
"Well, at least your going to get some practice in from SAO."
I nod my head and we stop infront of a swords shop. I start looking at swords that are on display, then I hear a person call out to another, I look up to see the calling person run to the other, I bet one of them is a beta tester, I'm for sure not, I wanted to be one though.
I ended up with a long sword, while Asuna got a short stubby sword. I say to Asuna,
"So, Stubby, how's it going?"
She sighs and continues to walk towards NPC's who have quests. We get quests and we head out to the beasts.
After a few hours of leveling up, we decide to log out, I ask,
"Do you think mom would get mad at us for being late for dinner?"
She thought for a second and said,
"Huh, probably not because tomorrow is your birthday so it is a birthday present."
She is right, but mom really gets mad at us for everything that we do wrong or doing something that she doesn't want us to do, which is alot. Just for her, I'm going to log out and hang out with her, or even just do nothing with her all because she does work, but she would be happy for me because I wouldn't play the game that much.
I swipe my index finger down in the air infront of me to find my player menu popping up. I scroll down to find no log out button...I look all around my inventory to find no log out button. I ask Asuna,
"So, where is the log out button...?"
She opens her inventory and said,
"I thought you were the expert at..."
She must have noticed there was no log out button, she looks throughout her inventory for it, but still no log out button. She says,
"There is no log out button..."
I guess it's a bug maybe? I say,
"Maybe it's a bug in the game, it is the first day after all."
Asuna nods and says,
"Hopefully there's an announcement."
We get back to fighting boars and beasts, after about 10 more minutes, a teleport ation happens and Asuna and I get engulfed in a blue light.
I'm guessing we both spawned in the Town of Beginnings, I look around to not see Asuna around me, she must have spawned somewhere else in the croud. It seems like every player spawned here, in the main square in the Town of Beginnings. I'm guessing Asuna is looking around for me...hopefully we meet up soon.
Since every player is here, it's probably going to be an anouncement. I look up to see a red blinking shape, it says warning. Soon, the same shape starts growing off of that first one and half of them says system announcement, while the other half says Warning. After the whole floor of the second floor got filled up by those shapes, a red goo starts poring down out of the cracks. It turns into a hooded figure, maybe even the game master.

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