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Melody P.O.V
The red goo forms into a hooded man, which has no face by the way! It fully forms into a hooded void with white gloves. He starts saying,
"Hello my players. You may have noticed there is no log out button, this is how Sword Art Online is supposed to be."
He pulls up his inventory to show us there is no log out button, then he continues,
"I have made Sword Art Online, my world, a place for people to live, you to live. If you die in this world, you die in real life, the nerve gear on your head fries your brain until you die. To beat the game, you must reach the 100th floor and beat the final boss."
Fry our brains if we die?! What if someone pulled it off from the outside? I start to hear screams around me...people are freaking out, I sort of am...anyway, he continues once again,
"In the real world, the public has been notified on what to do and not what to do with your real bodies. There is no need to fear for your death caused from the outside."
He pulls up real world time news and articles about Sword Art Online players and to not pull off their nerve gears and stuff like that. He then says,
"I have given you all a gift, it is sitting in your inventory."
I'm guessing he is waiting for everybody to take out the item, so I swipe my index finger down in the air and it opens to my player menu like normal. I go to my storage space to see a new item sitting there. I click on it to see its called a hand held mirror, I make it so I can hold it and it shows me in the mirror, soon after mostly everybody took the mirror out of their inventory, I started hearing wooshes, like I heard when we teleported into the town square.
I look around to see other players around me getting engulfed in a blue light, soon after wards, I got engulfed in blue, when that happened my blue light really did nothing. Once my blue light disapeared, I heard screams and cringe and sobbing from all around, and especially herd
'Your not a guy.'
'Your not 20.'
That happened alot around the croud. Soon after everyone got turned to their normal bodies I'm guessing, he continued,
"This is how SwordArtOnline is supposed to be, now, Good Luck players."
He then starts turning into the red goo he first came in with. Then the goo starts pouring up back into the shapes, exactly where it came in from. Soon after he left, the red shapes started disapearing one by one. Everything went back to normal. After about 3 seconds of silence from the croud of people, cries and screams started breaking out, because everyone was realizing it was reality now.
I guess I could start going to a different town and level up there, because I'm guessing The Town of Beginnings will be crouded with players who are too afraid to fight. I am glad that I put Asuna on my friends list because we messed with our menu for a bit, I remember when I kept opening my player menu over and over and over again non stop for about 20 minutes, fun times, fun times.
Anyway, I start to head to the nearest town that I know, which is the one that we stopped at for taking a break from leveling up.
Now that it's real life, we die if our HP hits 0, so it's time to use our survival skills to survive. Hopefully I don't die...hopefully I get back home. This game was a birthday present to me, but now it's just a game of death.
I open my player menu once I got to the next town over. I check my friends list and see Asuna has been messaging me alot, like A LOT! She says,
'Where are you?'
'Meet me in the Town we got teleported from.'
'Please Melody.'
Stuff like that, and now I'm glad I came to this town, because once I closed my inventory, I see Asuna running towards the town getting chased by a boar...I guess I could help her, but jeez, she can take care of her self can't she?
I run towards her, when we reach each other, I grab my sword and pass her, running towards the boar. I start up my sword skill and end up killing it, woooooooooo!!! She smirks and says,
"I think this game is giving you a boost in fighting with swords."
I put my sword away and nod,
"I agree."
We both walk back to the town and I ask,
"Should we stick together? I think it would be harder to share items at the beginning of the game like this, but it would be easier in battle. Jeez, deciding is hard!"
She says,
"Well, at least we never died, that's a good thing. Now, let's level up before we do anything too crazy."
I know what she means by that, because she doesn't want either of us dying. Crazy as in going to find the boss room of the actual floor to get to the second floor, I heard that there is a big maze type thing to actually get to the boss room. Throughout the maze, there are higher leveled monsters to block you from even getting to the boss room.
This is going to be hard to get to floor 100 of this place. I say,
"I'm gonna go start leveling up in the feilds, yo uh can come if you want."
She replies,
"Of course I wanna come, I don't want you dying on me."
She then follows beside me to the feild of grass with wild boars and beasts roaming around. It is good that we are doing this so that we get experience first before other players do, it's not being greedy, it's called strategizing.

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