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Raitoredi P.O.V.
I hear the words finally,
'Sword Art Online has been cleared'. Finally, something good happens in life for once. I look around a bit and see players leaving, logging out, to their families, finally happy. I instantly get taken out of the game, but before the teleportation started I saw Melody still there, hopefully she gets Happy once and for all.
After the teleportation stopped I saw big letters, not a hospital room...big letters that say, 'Welcome to Alfheim Online'. Then the words disapear and a character picker thing shows up, it says to choose a fairy race, fair enough. I look through the list and see a support type character, just my style. The Undine. I press ok and then it says to pick another, so I look through the selection again and finally choose a Cait Syth. I then press ok again and a character pops up showing the name, 'Undine Syth'. The stats of it are animal taiming, enhanced speed, enhanced eyesight, wallrun, and underwater fighting. Hmm, that's some good skills. I press ok once again and spawn into a place...THAT'S THE SKY?!?!?!? WHY THE SKY?! I look down to see that there is a sweet little town down there on Land, while I'm in the Sky. I then keep looking down under me for some water to land in or something, but then half way down I get teleported to the main ground once again, that must have been a bug in the game...GAME?! I totally did not notice I was in a game still. I open my player menu and scroll down to the bottom to see NO LOG OUT BUTTON?!?!?!?!??!? But why again?! I look around frantically and see other different kinds of fairy races, but there was one familiar face, Melody. I guess I could follow her, since I have nothing else to do other than think about my past and ONLY life of games. I start following her, which she goes towards the exit of this underground town, when she gets out, I sneakily follow her out. She then starts doing weird turns and twists with her back, but then one pose made her wings spawn and so I do the same, and then now she just looks like she's gonna poop. But I guess not because she starts flying a bit. I start trying to figure out how to flutter my wings a bit and a do, but THEY ARE OUT OF CONTROL!!! Literally! I can't control these things at all. But at least their sort of following Melody.
After about 2 minutes of spinning I start to feel dizzy and feel like I'm going to puke. But that feeling totally got over welded by a different pain, a pain in my head that just hit a green pole building thing. I start to slide down the biding pretty fast, actually faster than another person who splattered against the building like a bug.
Once I landed I looked up to see Melody?! That was her who I called a bug?! Well, I guess I called myself a bug too. I head to the sidelines as fast as possible so she doesn't notice me, because wouldn't it be weird if a friend from a death game came up to you in a different game that you never got?
Anyway, once she landed and started roaming around town I got super lost after a while, so I'll just go buy some gear because why not.
Once I actually found the store, I see that everyone is happy...why though? How long has this game been a trap, or is it b just b the beginning? Huh...something very interesting to think about.
I buy a long big white sword, which is what I really wanted for a sword in SAO anyway. Then I go and buy some more armor and stuff like that. Now I could just sit in a pub and do whatever, maybe even learn some stuff about this 'Alfheim Online'. I start thinking about how this is another game that people are trapped in...then my wings form and I slowly start flying up. I notice I'm in air when my head hits a pole that connects every building together. I put my hands up to y head and then that's when it gets crazy, my wings keep flying in an infinity loop, for like ever. I literally scream,
I guess some people tried to help me, but the rest just laughed and said, 'Noob!'. The some that tried to help, just tried to catch me like a fly, but that plan has not worked so far.
Its been about 5 minute of about 25 loops around the whole sky of this city. The fairy race that's helping I think it said that they were the fastest race...SO WHY CANT THEY CATCH ME?!?!?! I scream to the ones that's helping me,
They then sweat drop and stop helping me in a way that they steered my wings into a building. Well, I guess it helped, all because I'm done flying finally.
When I landed I got stared at by a WHOLE ton of people and some of them whispers some stuff and even some where laughing. I got up and ran off, which is REALLY hard to get used to with a big sword on my back, now I'm glad that I have good strength. I open my player menu to see that my stats and skills from SAO are here, I look through my items and see that they all are question marks and unknowns, HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THIS BEFORE?! I was literally buying stuff, like my sword and gear, I do not know how I missed this. I guess the only way to have enough room for other items is to get rid of these. And I know the perfect place to look through everything in my inventory, the pub that I went to before! I walk back to the pub, which I do not know how I found again after flying in loops for about FOREVER. I walk in the pub and see Melody ordering a drink, I should just leave her be for now. I go into a table a couple away from her. I then open up my player menu again and look through my items to see if any of them survived without turning into question marks, which only one item has been none question marked, a hand held mirror, it was the same one that people held on the first day of Sword Art Online's launch. I made it so I can hold the mirror, I then close my menu and look through the mirror, I have blue and white hair. Blue on the top to white towards the bottom, my hair length is just how it was in SAO, long hair. Alfheim Online must have put it in a braid, because I never did. My hair is in a long braid and some blue bangs hanging around my face. I put the mirror back in my inventory and erase every other item. I then look back up to where Melody was, but there was just an empty cup sitting on the table she was at. I quickly leave and see that I'm not too far behind her, she is heading towards the shopping area.
After I was a stalker for her shopping spree, she got 2 swords and some gear. She then looks at another player, so do I. They open their inventory and go to where the log out button is supposed to be. They tap and they disapear like when you log out...WHAT?! WHY CANT I LOG OUT?! CAN MELODY LOG OUT AND I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO CANT?! I look at Melody and i guess its time, I come up to her from behind and tap her shoulder.

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