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Melody P.O.V.
Its probably about Midnight and I have been practicing fling. I think I'm almost as fast as Raitoredi, umm never mind, shes way too fast anyway. I can fly across the town super fast but then people would stare, so I would stop for a bit and make sure everyone is asleep and logged out now. At about 12:00 finally. most people on the server logged off except Raitoredi of course.
I fly up to where we all entered the town and I fly super fast through the streets until my back actually hurt from flying. I go back to my room that I share with Raitoredi and actually go to sleep. While sleeping I dream of Kirito, I don't know why, but I am.
When I wake up I look up in the corner of my vision and see its lunch time already. I see that Raitoredi is gone, she probably is hanging out with NPC's. I actually get ready for the day and I head out to a restaurant and see that it was basically a ghost town, why isn't everyone anywhere? I go into the restaurant and see Kirito, Leafa, and Raitoredi dining out like pigs. I head over to there 4 seated table and sit down,
"Where have you been sleepy head? We've been waiting for you forever."
Raitoredi said that by the way. I say,
"First I grab food then we can go."
I order some stuff and a drink then Kirito sticks something in my mouth, its a stick shape. I take it out and see it was a sour stick, I saw it in the store back at the green towers. I start chewing on it and say,
"Wow! These things are good."
I think they were supposed to be sour, they didn't taste sour at all though. I always had the tastebuds of a dragon, I can taste through any taste at all. Leafa asks,
"What i-"
She gets cut off while Kirito sticks another one in her mouth...the one that he was chewing on. She then starts turning red and spits it out with smoke coming out of her ears, she yells,
"How can you eat this?!"
I shrug and bite off a peice of it and swallow. I answer,
"Its not that bad, its like super tasty to me."
Kirito says,
"I found them at your sylph territory, an NPC said that you could only by them there."
I put a thumbs up him and my food comes, I put the stick down and starts eating my food, which didn't take long to finish. Soonafter I finish we all leave and head towards the tree once again. I say,
"Lets have a race, whoever gets there last loses!"
I should not have said that, all because there are two fast races and 2 slow races in our group, and I think I'm gonna lose. They all agree and we head there, but halfway through Leafa gets a message from a friend so the race was cut off. YAY! No race. She checks it and then she says she has to leave and to watch her body. We all head to the ground and she logs off leaving her body here. I stretch and say,
"Does anyone have a flute case?"
Kirito and Raitoredi look at me weirdly and Kirito asks,
"Why do you need a flute case?"
I respond totally ignoring him,
"Better yet, with the flute inside!"
Everyone checks their items menu and Raitoredi asks,
"What if I dont have one?"
I sneak up behind her and see that she does have a flute, maybe it comes with her race or something. I move her finger super fast with my maxed strength so she doesn't fight back and I make sure she clicks the button to make the item touchable. I grab it and swing it over my shoulder still holding it like Santa does with his bag of toys. I say,
"This is for the extreme moments, which I'm guessing the moment will come soon..."
They look at me weirdly again and then Leafa comes back very worried,
"We have to go...NOW!!"
She starts flying and we all follow, I am still holding the flute, because I have a plan. We all are following Leafa blindly, I ask,
"Whats with the rush?"
She slows down a little bit and says,
"The Salamanders are planning an attack on the Sylph and Cait Syth meeting of leaders."
Kirito then asks,
"How did you figure out this information?"
Good question Kirito, good question. Leafa responds,
"My friend was watching some Salamanders and over heard them talk about a raid on the meeting between leaders."
That seems reasonable. I ask,
"So, we are heading to the meeting to stop the Salamanders."
Leafa says that we are and that is the Salamanders defeat the leaders, they get 30% of the raises earnings, and they get a week of raiding the land of the leader for a whole week. Since there are two leaders, they will be able to raid two different races territories. I think that they are planning to go for the grand quest and try to become an Alf race. I sigh, this is a weird world.
Once we got close to the meeting, the pixie comes out of his pocket again and says,
"There are 30 people up ahead in the sky, with 12 people on the ground up ahead!"
Kirito says,
"Those 30 are probably the Salamanders."
I nod in agreement and Leafa says,
"This is the most craziest thing you've done so far."
Raitoredi responds,
"Oh don't worry, he's done worse than this."
We make it to the meeting and we all fly down gently to the meeting, except Kirito, he literally slammed to the ground making dust fly all around him. I sweat drop and say,
"Good luck out there."
I wave like he's my husband. I look back at Leafa who is talking with the leaders, and Raitoredi goes to join Kirito, she never runs from a fight, or watches a fight, she always goes into one...or makes one herself. Kirito asks for their commander here and he shows himself, Kirito flys up there with Raitoredi tagging along behind him. That's where my hearing gets cut at, I walk back to Leafa and say,
"Ya leaving yet?"
The leaders looked confused, I looked at Leafa and said,
"I thought you already told the-"
A crashing sound cuts me off and I look up to where they were talking to find a battle between Kirito and the captain. Raitoredi is doing something I shall not say...never mind I will, she is literally hiding behind the captain. I pull out my flue and fly up behind the captain when he was knocking Kirito down, I whack him in his back and say,
He flings to the ground and I give Raitoredi her flute back. If your wondering, we are not married, it's just for the Salamanders croud if you know what I mean. I fly back down to the ground, but half way there a black smoke apears around Kirito and them, literally surrounding everywhere. Since I can see through it, I see Kirito jetting for Leafa and I laugh a bit while still heading back down. Kirito grabs her sword and goes jetting up into the sky, with no trace of him but only the smoke starting to desapear. I look up and point, there he is. I squint my eyes to see a black dot flying down straight for the captain himself. I'm sorry my captain, but your dead. Kirito smashes him to the ground killing him.

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