Old Friend

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Melody P.O.V.
Once the person logs out, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see...RAITOREDI?!?!? I ask,
"How come your here?!"
She asks,
"Why are YOU here?"
I shrug and say,
She nods and says,
"Me too, but I can't log out still, can you?"
I sigh in defeat, open my player menu and scroll down to where the log out button is supposed to be. I then show her it. I say,
"Does it look like it?"
She sweat drops and says,
"Well let's ask around for information on Alfheim Online."
I close my menu and agree. We both start walking around asking about this game, most of the answers I got said that I was a Noob and walked off. Actually, every answer was like that. I soon meet back with Raitoredi and say,
"I hope you got something because I got nothin."
She chuckles and says,
"I know where to talk, back at the pub you where at."
Umm...how did she know I was at a pub before? Once she starts heading towards the pub I was at before and we soon get there. We both walk inside, I order a water and I don't even know what she orders. We both sit at the same table and before we talk, I look around...seeing Kirito?! I whisper to Raitoredi,
"Is that Kirito?!"
She looks over at him and her jaw drops as she whispers back,
"Yes, I think so..."
I guess why not see if he is trapped in here like us. I stand up and walk over to him, he seems to be sitting with a girl though. Even so, I still walk up to their table and say,
"Hey Kirito, weird meeting you here."
He looks a bit surprised but then a bit sad and mad at the same time. He says,
"Oh, sorry Leafa. This is Melody, a friend from another game. Melody, this is Leafa."
I wave and say,
"Hey there Leafa."
She waves and asks,
"So you are...Melody. Nice to meet you."
Raitoredi is still sitting back at the table waiting for me to return. I send a friend request to Kirito and he sighs. I glare at him and he quickly accepts. I then head back to Raitoredi. I then crack my knuckles and say,
"Now, back to the info?"
Kirito must have over heard because he said,
"Leafa here is going to give me some information on the World Tree."
I make a confused face at Raitoredi to see if she knows what it is, she whispers,
"Middle of world. We should go to their table."
I nod and we both go to their table. I then say,
"Could you also say information about Alfheim Online in general."
Leafa sighs and says,
"Fine, but only a summary."
Everyone soon gets their drinks and she starts talking,
"So, Alfheim Online...well, the short term meaning is ALO. It's a fairy worls, where 9 different types of fairies live together. Most of the time, the salamander race kills other races more than the rest. There are nutreal towns where all types of races live together."
She takes a sip of her drink and continues,
"The world tree is in the middle of ALO, it's where the grand quest is supposed to be. The grand quest is where a certain race can try and fight through the trunk of the tree to the top. The first fairy race to get there gets unlimited flight, and they are deemed the Alfs."
Huh...interesting, I ask,
"So...Noob question, but how do you fly?"
She giggles and looks at Kirito saying,
"Why don't you show her?"
A small fairy comes out of his front pocket and says,
"Ya daddy, I want to see how well you improved."
He scratches the back of his head and sweat drops saying,
"No thanks..."
Leafa sighs and says a basic example,
"When your wings spawn, just feel where they spawn, then pretend that there are invisible wings there. Then try to move them and that's it. After a while you can start to fly faster."
I nod and bump Raitoredis shoulder. She starts to turn a bit red and drinks her whatever she has. Kirito then says,
"How do I get to the world tree?"
Leafa looks a bit surprised and said,
"Your not planning to go there from here, are you?"
He puts on a serious look and Leafa continues,
"It'll be a long journey from here to there."
He then puts on and understanding look and says,
"Thank you for the information, and the tour. I'll be heading out now."
He stands up and starts to head out. I just noticed, but he has a HUGE sword on his back, like SUPER huge. It was big and black. Leafa then quickly says,
"I can take you there...Kirito."
Kirito looks back and says,
She than says,
"Tomorrow, I have to log out soon. You can log out in a room upstairs."
She then quickly opens her menu and logs out. I look over at Kirito and says,
"Hey Kirito, we need to talk..."
I walk over to him and whisper in his ear,
"Can you log out...?"
I back away and he says,
"Ya, I recently logged in today to see if Asuna was here..."
How could she be here? I ask,
"She died when you died...YOU DIED! YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE..."
He says,
"Asuna and I died when when the game ended, so out deaths did not count...hopefully."
What does he mean hopefully. I open up my menu and show him I have no log out button. He opens his menu and compares, he says,
"I can still log out, I don't know what is wrong with yours..."
He closes his menu and I close my menu then I say,
"Raitoredi over there can't log out either."
I point back at Raitoredi over back at the table. She seems to be talking to an NPC. Kirito says,
"Well, you can come with me I guess, since you are Asuna's sister and all."
I then ask,
"Is Asuna still beautiful in the real world?"
He nods and says,
"She's always beautiful no matter what."
I then ask,
"Am i in the same room as her, like my body and all?"
Kirito nods and says,
"Well I have to go, my sister might get worried about me."
He then goes upstairs and finds a room I'm guessing. I walk back to Raitoredi and say,
"Kirito can log out, so we can tell him your real name and maybe he can check up on you...?"
She cries a bit and says,
"That would be amazing. Who knew we would meet an old friend here..."

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