The Final Boss

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Melody P.O.V.
The front lines have finally made it to floor 74, which is super hard, even for the second strongest player there is in Sword Art Online! The strongest player has become the guild leader of The Knights of the Blood, yes, that guild. The one that Asuna has been Sub Leader for, for a long time she has been. I think Asuna is one of the strongest players in the game really, but i think I over pass her power sometimes, but every time I get a step ahead of her, she takes 3 more steps, it's like a game of hop frog between us for a while. I have a secret weapon though, my agility, it's totally maxed out. Same with my strength, well, my strength is my strongest maxed out right now. My agility is next, but ya, I think my strength is totally maxed out. I do have some fishing skill and cooking, useless stuff like that, but that took a while to even get half way to the max of upgrading a skill. I'm proud of my strength and agility.
Anyway, I have been in the front lines fighting side by side with Asuna for about 15 floors now. I'm level 95, which is probably the highest level anyone has gotten too. To get to level 96 you need double the experience for level 95, I think it's a hack from the game master himself so that nobody levels up higher than that. Asuna got to level 92...I think anyway, I haven't asked about her stats in a while. 
Anyway, back to the front lines for real. There has been an order for all of the people who are WILLING to fight the next boss to meet at the beginning of the maze to get there. I message Asuna asking, 'You going to be at the beginning of the maze soon?'. Now to wait for a reply, so I will just head to the beginning of the maze anyway. I can meet her there is I get there first or even second if she is already there. 
Once half way there I see that Asuna messaged me back saying, 'Slow poke, I'm already there, same with Kirito and everyone else, so hurry it up.'. Wait...SHES ALREADY THERE?! I start running there now, all because she says everyone else is there. I guess it'll only take me about 10 minutes now, all because I'm running for my life. I literally am running like there is a void that will kill me behind me, which is a big threat to me, but I would not want to fight a void.
After about 8 minutes, I finally got there, which was great for everyone else, but I just felt like I fell off a 1,500 foot tall skyscraper. Which, if you were wondering, did not feel good. I look up and see Asuna in my blurry vision, then I pass out, but I still know that they will bring me to the fight, or else Someone will get a beating from one of the strongest players in the game. Plus, they need me in the fight, because I am one of the top players in the game. 
I woke up, after it felt like forever, but I woke up with Kirito carrying me, and that we are not at the boss room yet, so ya, I guess thats good for me. I am being carried on his back, with his sword handles gabbing into my stomach...owww! I pinch the back of his neck and he lets go, which in the process, makes me fall to the ground. I'd taking falling to ground other than being gabbed by handles in the stomach any day. Kirito looks back at me while holding his neck. He asks,
"What was that for?!"
I stood up proudly and said,
"I was getting gabbed in the stomach with your sword handles, so I got pay back."
I clipped my fingers like a crab does with their claws. Kirito says,
He followed the group, that was far ahead of us now. Why did he have to be in the back of the crowd, I thought he would be in the front with all the strongest players here. I ran after him but when I took my first step, I felt pain in my leg...great, how fun will it be to fight? I yell for Kirito, he looks back after I scream for him for about 2 minutes. He then runs ALL the way back to me and says,
"Need help now?"
I nod and he gives me a healing potion so that I could drink it and heal my leg. I drank it and that thing gave me a BOOST, literally a BIG boost. After I walked a little side by side with Kirito, I then ran as fast as I could back to the crowd, with Kirito barely catching up. He was fast, but he isn't that fast against my agility level. Once we got to the middle of the crowd I looked at Kirito beside me, he now looks like he just ran a mile. I say,
"Your agility must suck if you cant breath after that."
I get a grunt I response, I laugh and start actually slowing down for him. After about a minute, he finally says,
"Agility is my second highest stat that's leveled up."
He should have at least one stat maxed out by now, maybe strength or something? Well, once I thought that, the wholl halted to a stop. I look to the front to see big doors, the boss room...YAAAYYYYY!!! Finally! I run up to the front with Kirito following, I see that Asuna's guild actually sent out the inventations for coming. I come up next to Asuna to see shes about to charge in, with two other people about to open the boss room doors. Everyone lines up and then they open the doors to reveal a boss called 'The Gleam Eyes', weird name don't you say my gleamy? Anyway, everyone starts charging. While I charged, I brought out my sword to start slashing right away. I start charging straight at the boss's head, that's the part on monsters that I charge for, I don't know why, but I do. Everyone starts slashing and using sword skills on the boss, which barely made a dent after 5 minutes I think. I have a personaly made sword skill called, 'Howling octave'. I don't think I made it though, I think I made/found it at v the same exact time, but ya, it's a 8 hit combo one handed sword skill.
After the boss's health gets in the red, which took about forever by the way, I use my sword skill and some people thing I'm a Beater and stuff like that. I did not get the last hit, but the leader of Asuna's guild got it. I heard that his health never gets in the yellow? It was either yellow or red, I really can't remember. But I do remember my friend that I made during christmas, I wonder if she is here. I look around after everyone plops to the floor exhausted from the fight. I see that she is here, I walk over to her and she asks,
"Hey Melody, what was that you just pulled?"
I say,
"Its a skill I got, I think it's pretty cool."
She agrees and sits down exhausted, soon after I just lean on my sword barely. I don't want to show my weakness infront of Raitoredi. I look over at Kirito to see him by Asuna...he is pulling out a tiny dagger type thing. He then throws it directly at The Knights of the Blood leader, Heathcliff.
When the small dagger got close to him, about 2 inches away from his face, above him it says in purple, 'Immortal Object'...WHAT?! Is he a cheater or something? Kirito says,
"That's what I thought."
Heathcliff laughs a little and says,
"So you finally figured it out. I am Akihiko Kayaba, the game creator. The last boss."
Everyone gasps, even Raitoredi. Then someone who was in the guild yelled at him,
Yep, he is confused and am I a bit, but not mad, just a bit confused. Akihiko continues,
"Kirito, how did you figure it out?"
Kirito answers,
"When we had that duel, I had you...but that move you pulled, it was too fast."
Akihiko smiles and says,
"Yes, I thought you would catch that. You are a skilled fighter, I had to put on a fight assist to dodge you."
Some people then gasped...once again. Akihiko pulls up his player menu and people start to drop to the floor literally, even me and Raitoredi. I look up at my health bar, under says that I'm stunned...frozen, unable to move.  Kirito seems like he was the only not affected by it. Akihiko says,
"Kirito, I will give you a chance, if you defeat me here, I will let everyone log out. But if you die from me, the game will keep going until the 100th floor where I will be waiting."
Kirito stands up and puts Asuna on the floor because he caught her whe she was first stunned. He pulls out his swords and starts fighting Akihiko with all he's got, which is alot.
After a while, my stun seemed to have stopped, time has stopped. I look back at Raitoredi to see shes not stunned either. I ask,
"Is this your doing...?"
She shrugs and says,
"How? I was just stunned..."
I say,
"Well, let's use this to our advantage."
I pull out my sword and head towards Akihiko, the game master himself. Of course Raitoredi agreed and did the same, following me towards him.
I went up behind him, and it seemed like perfect timing because I started getting stunned again, same with Raitoredi, but she was to the side of him. The second I got stunned, I gabbed my sword into his back, and Raitoredi gabbed hers in his side. But it was too late, Asuna must have been in the same time stopping thing Raitoredi and I were in. Asuna jumped infront of Kirito right when Akihiko gabbed the sword right at him. Leaving an almost dead Asuna in Kirito arms and Akihiko almost dead, he just had enough strength to gab Kirito in the stomach. So it ended bad in the end anyway.
Once the stunning stopped and Akihiko disapeared, I ran over to Asuna and Kirito remains, which were just shards of glass like things. I fell to my knees and cried at Asuna's crystals.
After their shards truly left, a girl voice said in an announcement like tone,
'Sword Art Online has been cleared, repeat, Sword Art Online has been cleared.'

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