The Boss Battle

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Melody P.O.V.
After a while of just chatting in between each other, they finally re-log back in but they both never look at each other ever. I say,
"So whos ready to tackle a dungeon?"
Kirito nods of course and Raitoredi just raises her hand and says,
"Of course I would like to defeat the most undefeatable dungeon in Alfheim Online!"
Leafa just turns away and says,
"This is as far as I will take you, that was our decision."
She then starts flying off, but I see that she is staying in the city limits so maybe she wants to stay here longer. Kirito, Raitoredi and I start to prep up for battle to defeat the dungeon of all time. Well only Raitoredi and I prepped, Kirito just thought about things and didn't really care about his gear and stuff like that because they are already boss level ready. I send a thumbs up at Kirito signaling that Raitoredi and I are ready to head in. Kirito then slowly starts walking towards the big gates with 2 big statues on each side. Raitoredi runs to his side all excited and I just walk behind them at a regular pace. The guards then send out a quest thingy and we all accept. Then they move their long staffs out of the way and the great big gate opens slowly, making sure a big crowd or small one can get through easily before shutting. I sigh and say,
"Lets get this over with."
We all walk in and then we all spread out our wings and we start fighting tall men with bows, swords, and giant swords. They keep on spawning and spawning and spawning, no stop to their madness skill of fighting. When enough get in the sky, they form a barrier so that nothing can pass them, there are extra left so that they can actually fight the players. There are probably enough to make 5 barriers, and that's a lot. I see Kirito a bit worried, but still strong in battle and Raitoredi is going all out on these guys. I just use my magic a bit more than them, which does a lot of damage to the tall people. Remember that my magic is dark magic, it really is affective on anything. I keep casting and Kirito keeps ramming the barrier of people and Raitoredi follows Kiritos lead. Once my mana runs out, I take out my sword and start fighting like the others until, finally, we break through and we all fly through before they close the gap. I scream while still fighting,
"Wooooooo!!! We finally got through th-"
I look straight a head of me to see a big giant sword like Kiritos flinging right at me, and I cannot dodge that. Right when it gets a foot away from me or even closer, I get shoved but I hear even more swords coming, oh no. I look up and see Kirito getting impailed with about 10 of those swords. I also see that Raitoredi was the one who shoved me away, but she got hit by it and many more. I try to keep dodging the swords but they keep hitting my legs and arms which that hurts A LOT! I look up again and see that there are two fire ball looking things, Kirito and Ratioredi? Did they die? I hear a scream and then I look down and see Leafa as a last look in my life, because I die. It says right in my vision, 'You have died. You will re-spawn in 5 Minutes.' And it keeps counting down, that's all I see and hear. Until it hits 2 Minutes I re-spawn?! But from what? I open my eyes and see that Leafa has revived all of us, she looks tired but she looks pleased. I ask,
"How much mana does it take to revive a person...?
She just shrugs and says,
"I think it doesn't take any, but it is hard work." She wipes her forehead and continues, "It doesn't matter anyway, you guys are back to life with all your stuff."
Kirito scratches the back of his neck and says,
"You didn't have to..."
She blushes and replys,
"Oh don't worry about it. Now, who wants to defeat a dungeon and this time, don't die."
I laugh a bit and say,
"Hopefully not."
Since we ended up re-spawning back on the outside of the great big gate, we all charge back in front of it, but with another person...the annoying one. Its Leafa's friend, well, we are dead. I get the quest thingy and so does everyone else, and we all accept. The doors then open like before and we all head in, when everyone gets in, the gate shuts behind us and we start flying. More spawn like before and Leafa is on the ground defending herself and using her magic to heal everyone, same with her friend.
After a while of fighting and healing, the gates slowly open once again and other races fill in to take a hit at these guys. These people are the Cait Syths and the Sylphs, the ones that Kirito gave all his money to. The leaders came in first, then came in their army. The cait syth leader says,
"We wouldn't be here without you, Kirito!"
They must have gotten their new armor and rides by the money he gave them. Everyone keeps fighting and some people keep switching out of healing and fighting now and then. Soon, Kirito, Raitoredi, and I get to the top of the super tall room getting blocked by these guys. Kirito flies to the top while me and Raitoredi defend him because up here, there are those giant swords flying EVERYWHERE! I look up at Kirito and see that he is budging at the door on the ceiling, but nothing is happening. Then Yui comes out of his pocket with the card thing and Kirito uses that...IT WORKED. I nudge Raitoredi and we both fly up while dodging swords, then when the door thing is about to close behind Kirito, we just barely squeezed through. I see a peaceful land, a land with clouds and branches, leaves, birds, everything peaceful, no more fighting, no more sounds except the breeze. I fly up next to Kirito who has landed on a branch that looks like its shaped into a pathway to somewhere. I grab the flute from before and slam it right in his stumache. I yell at him,
"Were you just gonna leave us behind?!"
He ended up flinging pretty far onto the ground but he just gets back up and sweat drops and asks,
"I didn't know it was going to close behind me, also. What was that for?!"
He just walks back over to us and Raitoredi is standing next to me looking proud.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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