The Adventure

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Melody P.O.V.
The next day Kirito literally logs in at the same time Leafa comes in to meet him. Raitoredi and I have been walking around town and training our selves really. But now it's time to go on an adventure. I say to everyone,
"Lez go!"
I then point to the door and I walk there waiting for everyone. Which didn't take long. I walk out with everyone following and ask,
"So where do we lift off?"
Leafa chuckles and points up,
"At the top of this building, the higher the altitude the better."
Kirito looks up and says,
"That's a good idea."
We then all head up, with people staring at us, probably because we are the opposite race, literally our races hate each other badly. But then Leafa gets called from behind us when we were about to get in an elevator. She looks behind and I say,
"I'm gonna wait for you at the top..."
Then I grab Raitoredis hand and drag her into the elevator, then we make it to the top of the building. I walk to the edge and ask,
"Do you have a family?"
She nods and looks off into the distance,
"Ya, but only a brother, my parents died when I was young."
I say,
"I have my parents and a sister. But my parents are not like parents to me at all..."
She says,
Then Leafa and Kirito come up and cut off Raitoredi whe saying,
"Its the other way you two!"
We both turn around and see a big white weird tree in the distance...also it's the way I came from when I first spawned, ugh, I guess it's a roa-sky trip then. I say,
"Beat ya there!"
And I run off the edge towards the tree, then I start flying that way midair. But then Kirito and Leafa zoom off, with Raitoredi still standing on the building. I fly back and say,
"Wanna hold my hand?"
She nods and says,
"Don't speak of this ever again..."
She grabs my hand and we both start flying towards the tree. With Kirito and Leafa flying in the distance. They seemed to have stopped, one of them is flying back but then the other stayed there. It was Leafa who came back. Once she got to us she said,
"Just start flying then just speed up like running, when you start walking you run afterwards. You get faster and faster, but you just gotta give it a little push."
She then pushes us forward and we both start to fly a little faster and we keep progressing, and soon Raitoredi let's go of my hand and speeds over the speed limit I think. I then start to fly faster but not as fast as Raitoredi, it's probably her race that does that to her. Once everyone got back to Kirito, we all flew speedy fast with Raitoredi in the front of us all.
Right before we were all going to catch up to Raitoredi, she just fell, her wings just desapeared and she is falling out of the sky. I push Leafa and say,
She then flies as fast as she can down to Raitoredi right before she hits the ground. Leafa then sets her gently on the ground. Kirito and I fly down also, when we got down there Raitoredi seemed like she has fainted or something. Leafa says,
"Well, we can't use our wings anymore anyway, so let's take a break. We all can take shifts watching each other while one or two of us log out. I say,
"Umm, I can protect the two of you maybe...?"
Kirito says,
"Leafa, you can log out first, Melody and I can watch over you and Raitoredi."
She scrolls down to her log out button and presses. Her body is still here but it looks like it is sleeping on its own. I say to Kirito,
"What do you think happened to Raitoredi?"
He thinks and shrugs,
"Who knows. It could just be a bug and she finally logged out..."
That could be true...
Raitoredi P.O.V.
Once I fainted midair while flying I opened my eyes to see Kirito, in a hospital room? I look up at him but not from me. It's like I'm looking at me and Kirito from outside the window. Am I dying...? I see that I'm wearing a nervegear, the one that Akihiko made. I also see that Kirito is looking at me sadly but then he gasps and looks closer at the nervegear that I'm wearing, I also do too. I see that a wire was cut!
Melody P.O.V.
I look over at Raitoredi to see her jolt awake. I run over to her and ask,
"Did you wake up?"
She looks at me and says,
", not exactly."
What does she mean? I ask,
"Should we tell him now so that he can visit you?"
She nods quickly and stands up a bit shaky. I wave Kirito to come over and he does. I say,
"Could you visit Raitoredi in a hospital?"
He asks,
"What is your real name, I could find time in visiting you."
He looks at Raitoredi and she replies,
"Kyatto Hikari. I don't know what hospital my body is in, can't you search for it?"
He sighs in annoyance and nods, then Leafa says,
"I'm back. It's someone else's turn."
I push Kirito to the ground into a criss cross apple sause poss and I say,
"He volunteers next!"
He has an erk mark on him and says,
And then he goes to log out. Now his body is looking basically dead. Then his tiny fairy comes out of his pocket, making Leafa freaking out,
"You can move when your player is logged out?!"
The tiny fairy replies,
"Of course I can, I'm my own person you know. He's my daddy of course."
I ask,
"How come he is your daddy?"
She replies,
"He saved me, so he is my daddy!"
Then Kirito comes back, it took him not as long as Leafa did. Kirito says,
"I'm back."
He looks around and Raitoredi asks,
"What is it?"
He replies,
"It just seems like something is watching us..."
Leafa asks,
"You weren't gone that long, did you have enough to eat?"
He nods and says,
"Let's continue."
He then starts standing up and passing me, I whisper,
"I think she is wondering why Raitoredi I didn't log out..."
He turns around towards Leafa and shuves my shoulder while he scratches the back of his neck saying,
"I totally forgot...these two don't need to log out, their pro gamers, their good."
We then all start walking, yes walking, because we aurnt able to fly above mountains that are up ahead, so we have to walk into the cave town thing that I spawned in. On our way there I say,
"This town we are going to, is it nutreal and underground?"
Leafa looks a bit surprised and says,
"Yes actually."
This has been one weird adventure, especially Raitoredi.

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