Welcome to Alfheim Online

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Melody P.O.V.
Once I heard those words, it was like music to my ears,
'Sword Art Online has been cleared.'
They kept repeating in my head a lot since it ended.
Once those words were said, every player was logging out one by one automatically, eventually it came my time to leave this world. I closed my eyes, then felt the teleportation happen, the way to finally get out of the game. After about 2 seconds after the teleportation, I opened my eyes, hoping to see a hospital room ceiling, but....no. It's another game, the title showed up in big letters in my vision,
'Welcome to Alfheim Online.'
After the words disapeared, a character selection showed up infront of me. I walked up to the chooser pad thing and chose a fairy race to start with, an Imp. It says an imp has dark magic and can fly underground, whatever that means. After I pressed ok, it said to choose another race...is this supposed to happen? I'll just go with it, I choose another, a Spriggan, it's like the Imp really, only comes with Illusion magic more.
Once I pressed ok once again, it popped up the character, Spimp...HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Now that's a funny name. Except it's my race name...ugh. I am now called a Spimp, how fun will that be. I press ok and read the stats and skills, NightVision, wallrun, Dark magic, and multi weopon weilding. I then spawn in the game, in THE SKY?! I start falling...HOW DO YOU FLY?!?!?! I close my eyes and wait for the impact, but never feel it. I look back down to see that I actually spawned on the ground. I sigh in relief and check my player menu and check to see if the log out button is there, I go down to the bottom...to see no log out button. Why do people make things like this? To trap people at their own will? I close out of my player menu and look around, to see I spawned in an underground town, no sun, no moon.
I look around and see every race of fairy I saw on the race selector thing. I guess this is a place where every race can hangout together?
AnywY, I just walk out of the only exit I see out of this place and walk until I see sunlight once again, which is not that different from the sun in SAO.
So, for the wings, they come out from the back. I start to do weird stuff with my back until the wings actually pop up. Which only took about a minute of wiggling around. I then find where the wings sprout from and pretend to move invisible bones. It's really not that hard to think of. Once my wings start glickering, I start slowly floating in the air, then I start heading for a green town...? I don't know why, but my wings are out of control! They literally do whatever they want, I guess I'll let them. I wonder if I sleep that they can carry me to the town, probably not all because your character needs to be awake when stuff of your character is in motion I think.
I start taking control of my wings and try to push harder, and fly faster. Which I certainly did, I fly SUPER fast, but probably not as fast as other races, I saw that the Sylph are the fastest race in Alfheim Online.
Once I got to the big green poles. As in there are 5 big skyscraper type things that are super tall, also that I MIGHT CRASH INTO-! I start sliding down the side of the building, when I reached the bottom I literally just plopped on the floor half burned from slide rashes. I stand up and look around, with another race staring at me...weird. I walk up to one and try to ask them a question, but since their SO rude, they just spit on my shoe and left. Huh, I guess not to trust ANYBODY in here at all. I sigh in annoyance and start walking around town with literally everyone staring. What's so wrong with being a Spimp, I kinda am fond of the name now. I could become a Spimp cheerleader if I wanted.
I make it into a bar pub thing and order a drink. I look in my player menu and see that I do have money...probably the same amount that I had in SAO. I look at all my items and see that they are all question marks...yep, this is my sao character. I pay for my drink, grab ut, sit down and start actually looking through my stuff, to see if anything changed. There is only one item that does not have question marks as its name, 'Hand-held Mirror'. Well then...who knew I still had that thing. I put it in my hand and look through it, to see a black haired Melody. It's literally like me but black long haired me. My hair is put up in a ponytail, while my bangs are pushed behind my ears on both sides. I'm wearing black clothing, like what the Imps and Spriggans would wear. This is fun...I guess. I put the mirror back in my inventory and delete every other item in my inventory. I sigh in sadness, all those memories in those items, gone forever.
I finish my drink and leave the pub. Since I have all this money, why not shop for better gear, of course I'm used to a sword on my nack, so of course a sword, and maybe another sword on my waist, who knows.
I go to the store and buy a sword for my waist, just a regular sized sword that's white. Then another sword that is a bit bigger for my back, which is also white. I then get armour and all that jazz. I wonder what it would be like, to live here, without anyone to rely on anymore. Or even a way to get out. Seeking of a way out, why is everyone so happy here? If we are all trapped, then why is everyone here standing around doing nothing, they should find a way out.
I look over at a player and see them open their inventory, I see them scroll down to where the log out button is and they press...they disapeared, as in logged out.
If it's just me, then why, why me?

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