Salamanders Always Want to Fight

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Melody P.O.V.
I walk next to Raitoredi in the back and Kirito and Leafa infront of us. Once we actually get to the caves, Kirito and I have to give Leafa and Raitoredi night vision. So I look at my new spells and look into the night vision. I keep practicing and practicing and practicing until I actually memorized every single word. I say,
"Now I'll remember this forever..."
I mean, the words will repeat in my head forever and it's going to be annoying. I literally was just finished memorizing and learning what the spell does when we got to the caves. I say,
"Alright Raitoredi, come here."
I looked at her and she walked over to me, then I said the spell,
"Õsu nāza nõto raisa auga."
Then it went on Raitoredi and now I'm guessing she can see in the dark. Then Kirito did the same with Leafa. After that we moved forward once again.
About halfway there I looked back and saw a red eyed bat I ask,
"Is there supposed to be a bat here?"
Leafa looked surprised and says,
"We gotta destroy that thing and then run for it!"
Leafa starts saying a spell as the bat gets away. But then her spell hits the bat and I already started running, same with Raitoredi but like always she's fast.
When we got to the underground town, well, outside of the water surrounded town. This reminds me of the Imp characteristics and skills, they can fly without any sun or moonlight. I'm guessing the other races needs some sort of light to fly. Once we get on one of the bridges to get there, when we almost got to the entrance, the Salamanders that are behind us put up a magic barrier made of earth. Kirito tries to knock it down but nothing happened. I go over to Raitoredi and ask,
"Can you fight sea monsters?"
She nods and puts on a 'what are planning' look. I smile and sprout my wings,
"Just that, I can fly down here and nobody else can. Also that you can fight in the water around us. I can carry you because my strength stat is already maxed out because of the other game our characters transfered from."
She sweat drops and agrees, I start picking her up while Kirito and Leafa start fighting the Salamanders that have followed us all the way here.
I pick her up fully and start flying above the Salamanders some of them were scared but the rest just pushed on my own Kirito harder. There were makes in the back and guys with shields in the front. Raitoredi says,
"Let's go for the mages."
I agree and I swoop down behind them, then Raitoredi pulls out her sword and I pull out both of mine. Then we start killing back here with just our skills, no magic whatsoever. When we finished off the mages, we left one to basically tell us info. When I looked back at Kirito...he was pretending to be a large animal? Well, I think he's using Illusion magic, but i can see right through it. For me it's like seeing Kirito act like a dinosaur really. When he was finished with the shield guys, there was one left, the leader. Well...not anymore, he just jumped off into the water, if only he had Raitoredi. I then say,
"K, now we have a hostage."
I glare at our hostage and he shivers. Kirito now is back to normal and is carrying our hostage. Kirito pulls up his new items and gear that he got from this fight. All I got were experience and some mage items. Kirito says to our hostage,
"I'll give you these items I got from this fight if yiu tell us why your here."
Our salamander says,
"Do you mean it?"
Kirito says,
"A man never goes back on his word!"
The salamander then says that he got a message earlier today and that he had to come here to fight us, simple information. Kirito then gives him the gear and he leaves peacefully. I say,
"Why did you give over the gear, that stuff he just said wasn't enough for all that gear!"
Kirito says,
"Like I said, I never go back on my word."
I sigh and I remember something,
"Ayyyyyyyyy, Kirito!"
I walk over to him and say,
"Do you remember when you used your Illusion magic?"
He nods in a weird way like he wasn't sure,
"Well, I could see through your illusion, I saw you, your character, killing them regularly, but some of it was you just walking like a dinosaur really."
He sweat drops and says,
"I'll make sure not to use Illusion magic around you then..."
Leafa then says,
"Let's hurry up into the safe zone before we get almost killed by someone again."
She walks into the nutreal city and we all follow her into the city. She then says,
"We can rest here for the night, so we can meet back up tomorrow and continue to the world tree."
I look around with my NightVision and see reds and green, black, blue, gray, and even brown coming from different races, sorta like their aura. Now I know what races are what colors I guess.
When we entered the little pixie comes out of Kiritos front pocket once again and says,
"There is a cheap hotel over there daddy!"
She then points over towards a little hotel cozy place. I start walking over there, because I can sleep but not log out is all. I rent a room for the night, so does Kirito, Leafa, and Raitoredi. But Raitoredi and I share a room with two beds. I say,
"So Raitoredi, wanna go fight monsters together?"
She zhrugs and says,
"Actually, I wanna sleep. I haven't slept since in Sword Art Online."
I nod in respect of her beauty sleep as she starts heading to bed. I just leave the room and start practicing my drake magic, and practice flying a bit too. I know the Kirito and Leafa already logged out and probably went to sleep in the real world.

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