Christmas Time

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Melody P.O.V.
Yes! It's Christmas time, the best holiday ever!!!! I don't think its Asuna's favorite season though, since we are in SAO now and we are not able to hang with our family during this years Christmas.
Ever since we defeated the first floor boss, Asuna joined a guild called Knights of the Blood. She has grown through the guild to become the sub leader of the guild, I never joined though. I don't like guilds at all, I just don't want to rely on other people for fighting. Also, guilds share their items on a raid, and not to be greedy or anything but I don't want to share, so I go solo, but i keep in contact with Asuna a lot though. She keeps PMing me a lot every hour. Since its Christmas, Asuna gets off from her Sub leading in the guild, so we get to hang out together. As in Kirito, he is just soloing like me, I sometimes PM him just to annoy him while hes in the front lines. The front lines is a group of players who push forward to actually beat the game, and the rest of the players are just making a living leveling up other skills like fishing, cooking, or even just selling weapons to other players. I switch in between the front lines and leveling up skills that are totally useless in fighting, like my agility in speed. Which I guess is useful in fighting, but I don't use it in fighting, only if I run away from the thing I'm fighting which is not very often. But, back to the Christmas spirit. I PM Asuna saying, 'Where do you want to meet? I'm on the 40th floor right now.' Yes, I'm on the 40th floor, we beat the game till up to 50 I think, I haven't been in the front lines for a while. Its been about a year since the game actually started, I think the players progressed pretty fast.
Anyway, Asuna messages back saying, 'Sorry Melody, I'm going to be doing a raid today with the guild. Merry Christmas Melody, maybe tomorrow we could see each other...'. She literally breaks dreams, huh. I guess I could try something else out, like maybe doing a bonus christmas quest. I heard about in the new update, yes the game updates when people are stuck in it, weird huh. Anyway, I start to head the floor that has the great Christmas Tree itself, floor 35. That's where I heard that the grand christmas event would be, I wonder if Asuna would be raiding there. I use my teleportation crystal and teleport to the 35th floor of Aincrad, The floating castle in the sky. I head towards the forest where the great Christmas Tree is supposed to be, at the Christmas tree, a boss is supposed to come and fight whoever is waiting. If you defeat the boss, I've heard, that you get a special bonus item, and I wanna get it. Not in a greedy way, just to see what it is, then I'll give it to Asuna maybe, who knows, maybe even sell it.
Once I get to the tree, I see someone already, they must have gotten the item already, I'll ask if I could see it. I walk up to them, half way to them, I see that their a girl, not many players here a girl. I continue walking towards her and ask,
"Are you her for the Christmas event?"
She looks at me a bit surprised and says,
"Ya actually, I heard there would be a bonus item. When I heard it, I was on this floor, so why not go see right?"
I say the truth,
"Ya, I just came to see what the item was. Are you waiting for the boss to come?"
She nods and says,
"Let me introduce myself, my name is Raitoredi."
She sticks her hand out for me to shake,
I say,
"My name is Melody, nice to meet you, it's not very average to find a girl player fighting something very scary."
I couldn't really figure out the words to say to her, so that's how it came out...weird. In the middle of me saying that, I took her hand and shook it. Then soon let go after hearing jingling like bells, jingle bells.
We both look up to see a red sleigh come down, on its way down, it circled around the temree a couple times until it slid to the ground to the side of us, which I looked around to see KIRITO?! I say to everyone,
"I don't care who gets the item, I just wanna see it, maybe even keep it."
I pull out my sword from the sword case hanging on my back, which it seems everyone else has the same type of sword holding idea, which I could tell because everyone was pulled out their swords from their back. I start slicing away at the boss, which he kinda looks like a derby Santa clause. After about 2 seconds, the other two join in the fight, which I say we are gonna defeat him very easily. I guess I didn't notice at the beginning of the fight but his name is Nickolas the Renogade, yep, derby Santa for sure.
Soon after we all started fighting, he finally fell to the ground. I think he was easy compared to regular boss fights, I wonder if he is gonna respawned for other players who come and see the legendary christmas event. When he turned into shards of code and disapeared, a bonus item menu popped up infront of all of us, it was called 'Devine Stone of Returning Soul'. It had the power to revive a player who recently died, as in you have 5 seconds to revive the player before their soul is truly lost. I wonder who actually got the item. I ask,
"So who's the lucky one?"
I look in my inventory to see no new item sitting there. I sneak up behind Kirito and see that he got it, but he looked super sad though...I ask,
"Hey Kirito~! Guess what?"
He looks at me annoyed and asks,
He sounded super annoyed exhausted and even angry a bit. I back off towards Raitoredi while saying,
"Nevermind...I'll PM you what I was gonna say later..."
I turn back towards Raitoreti and pull up a friend request thing to ask her to become friends, soon after I sent it, a screen popped up infront of her asking for me to be her friends, I say,
She hits accept and we both go back to town, leaving Kirito with the item. Raitoredi and I go to a restaurant and feast for the sake of Christmas, and I even made a new friend in the game of death.

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