The Boss Fight

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Melody P.O.V.
After about 6 MONTHS, somebody finally found the boss room. Asuna and I didn't even deal with trying to find it, we just stayed on the floor leveling up by defeating animals and beasts, or doing quests, which there weren't that many to start with.
Some guy sent out requests to people to group up at a spot and I'm guessing the group is planning to raid the boss and defeat him, which I would LOVE to fight him, even Asuna is pumped about finally defeating the boss, but I know that people would think that we were cheaters all because we are more higher level than the average player for about at this time.
Asuna says,
"Let's go! We are the only ones that will see our stats, so let's just hold off a bit, ok?"
I sigh and reply,
"Ok, but can we wear hoods, to make us look creepy?"
She sweat drops and says,
"Fine, but we are for sure going-Let's go!"
She relizes what time it is and grabs my arm and literally drags me all the way to the meeting spot. Which, I put on my hood while I was dragged, Asuna quickly puts hers on and we go to take a seat. In the meeting place it seems to be like a Roman like structure, kinda like a mini stadium. There are people sitting down already and a blue haired guy waiting in the front for everyone to pay attention to him.
Once everyone was quiet and attention ed to him, he says,
"I am glad you all came, I thank you for coming. I have gathered you all here to make a plan to defeat the boss since someone figured out where the boss room is."
He pulls up his player menu and shows us the map of the maze to get to the boss room. He pulls it away and pulls out a book, a manual, I've seen those around. He continues and opens the book,
"I will read off what the boss fight will mostly be like. The boss is called Illfang the cobalt lord, when we first start to battle, he will pull out a weapon which is a bone ax, when his HP goes into the red he switches weapons to a curved dagger that is called a nòdachi. When we get in the boss room, minion guards come out from behind the boss to defend him. We will have to team up in groups."
An orange haired spiky guy butted in and said stuff about how Beta Testers are not helping with anything to progress and that they only care for themselves, I'm not really listening all because I'm focusing on other things around us, like the other players and things like that. After he said that, another guy butted in and said that the Beta Testers gave the rest of the players the manual and giving tips around.
After everything settled down, the Bleu haired guy said to get in teams, of course I went straight to Asuna. We were sitting there already ready for his next instructions, then a guy akwardly scoots over towards us. He must have been a loner, he says,
"Can I join you guys?"
He pulls up a friend thing to add friends to his friends list. Asuna nods and get a friend request from...Kirito, weird name...anyway, she accepts and we all make a party.
After everyone gets into teams, which was quite fast, we all agreed on meeting tomorrow at noon at the beginning of the maze to the boss room. So Asuna and I get going as fast a possible. Once we got out of hearing range from everyone I said,
"So, Kirito, he's in a party with us."
Asuna sighs and says,
"Ya, it's fine, he had no one else to team with anyway."
I guess she's right, but it seems like he could fend off himself if he was alone. But the next morning we headed to the front of the maze to see everyone here already, so everyone's teams got signed something to do, and Asuna, Kirito, and I got to fend off the minions. Which is fine with me perfectly, but I'm not so sure about Asuna.
Once everyone was ready, we all went for the boss room. Which really didn't take that long to get too, only 1 1/2 hours! Ya, the walk there sucked, especially fighting the monsters on the way there. But ya, once we got there everyone charged into the boss room. When everyone got inside, the big doors shut behind us, which it got super dark. Instantly the large torches hanging on the wall to the left and right of us, we're lighting up one row at a time. When all the lights were lit, the boss spawned in with his minions coming towards us from behind him. The blue haired guy ordered the teams to do their jobs while he just charged for the boss with his team and a couple other teams.
Asuna and Kirito keep switching out on minions while I just keep swinging at a couple with my sword skills handy. I'm glad that I have sword skills or else I would probably be close to dead right now.
When the bosses health got to red finally, Illfang throws his weopon in the air and grabs another weopon that for sure does not look like an ax. When his weapons switched out, the 'leader' ran straight for the boss. Kirito must have noticed the weapon was not an ax and tried to get blue haired guys attention. I keep calling him blue haired guy all because he never said his name by the way. Anyway, back to the fight, Kirito brakes away from switching out with Asuna, which was great timing because the minions also backed off. When blue haired guy charged, he got hit with the new weapon, so now he's literally on the floor dying. Kirito is taking care of him, trying to hand him a potion but he doesn't want it and ends up dying! I guess I have to do something right? I charge towards the boss, hitting it with my strongest sword skill. After a few hits, Kirito and Asuna come in and fight next to me. Soon after that, everyone else starts hitting the boss.
Soon after everyone keeps fighting, Kirito heads in for the last strike, which he, I think, stole from me, which is fine because when the boss finally died it rained confetti and said 'Congratulations!' In the sky. Everyone got experience and I'm guessing Kirito got a bonus item. I got one too, but it's only a cape type thing. I'll maybe give it to Asuna, who knows. After everyone plops to the ground and cheers, the orange haired spiky guy comes out once again saying stuff about Beta Testers AGAIN, what's with him and Beta Testers? I'm totally zoning out the conversation though.
Once everyone got to the second floor, people on the first floor cheered in triumph.

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