Finally, the tree!

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Melody P.O.V.
When the captain died, the leader of the sylphs start reviving him so that they could talk. Why cant you just kill him and be done with it. I sigh as she finishes making him alive again. When the captain re-spawns he says,
"You are a skilled warrior, you actually defeated me."
Kirito gave Leafa her sword back and Raitoredi just smirked and said,
"At least we defeated the strongest player in game."
I say,
"With team work!"
Because I remember when I hit him with the flute, good times, good times. The Captain then agrees to leave in peace, and so they do. I then grab Leafa's sword from the sword case on her waste and look at it. I say,
"This is a good sword, I think I have better though."
She grabs it back and says,
"Kirito, why did you have to steal it anyway?"
She blushed a bit and then Kirito gets the two girl leaders around him. I laugh a bit and say,
"Good luck to you my husband..."
They then back off and the cait syth leader says,
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you guys were married..."
They both blush a bit and Kirito basically turns into a tomato. I wink at Kirito but then he even turns more red. I say,
"Yep, we sure are!"
I quickly put on a fake marrage ring and show it to them. Don't ask where I got the ring from...they then chuckle a bit and then the sylph leader says,
"Hey Alicia, have you been boosting your dark magic skill?"
The Cait Syth leaders name must be Alicia. Alicia says,
The sylph leader than says to make a portal to one of the fighting captains headquarters. She opens the portal thing all around us, struggling a bit, so I join in and then we do good for the sylph leader and the fighting captain to talk. The sylph leader ends up banning the guy from ever going into sylph territory again and to go run to the Salamanders since he so badly wants to become one. Alicia and I close the thingy and we high-five. Kirito then gives them money and says,
"Here is some money for the upgrades you need, and maybe for a replacement captain."
Then they end up leaving with almost 98% of Kiritos cash. I sigh and say,
"That was somethin."
Leafa glares at Kirito a bit then his pixie comes out of his pocket again and says,
"Why did your heart race so much when she said you were married. I dont get you humans. Also that, you Melody, daddy is mine, no one elses!"
She grips his shirt a bit and Kirito says,
"Its a mans instinct to do that when girls say and do that! Its natural!"

He sweat drops and Raitoredi says,
"Lets go to the tree already and get this over with."
We all then start to head to the tree once again. Of course Raitoedi is in front of everyone.
Once we make it to under the tree itself, there is a very brightly lit up town here. Leafa says,
"Its the biggest town in Alfheim online."
I sweat drop as Kirito whispers,
"Not as big as The Town of Beginnings..."
He is right though, this is nearly half of the size of The Town of Beginnings. The Town o Beginnings is way beg, like super duper big, way bigger than this. Then says that there is a cheap hotel in a certain direction that does not look cheap at all. I sigh and say,
"I can pay for you Kirito, I can pay for everyone if you guys want."
Leafa says that she could pay for herself and Raitoredi says that she is thankful and says that I can pay for her. I sigh,
"I guess I'm paying for 3 people and a Pixie."
Kirito says,
"This is Yui, she is someone from the last game we payed in."
I've heard of her, she was Asunas and Kiritos daughter, but not really. They found Yui in the forest I think. I nod and say,
"Lets get to the hotel so you guys can log out."
Leafa looks a bit confused and says,
"What about you guys? Don't you need to log out?"
I shake my head no and Raitoredi covers up and says,
"We go through the night as practice, since we just joined and all. I'll make sure that we will log out soon."
Leafa looks still a bit confused but understands. We all then go into the hotel and I get a room for Kirito, then Leafa gets a room for herself. Raitoredi and I start practicing our magic and buying some stuff from this town.
When it turned morning, Kirito and Leafa log in right away. Raitoredi and I meet them at the entrance of the hotel. I say,
"Do you have anything to do today in the real world?"
Leafa shakes her head no and Kirito says,
"Its a Saturday, there really is nothing to do on days like this other than play."
Leafa nods and so does Raitoredi. I say,
"Lets go raid a tree! ...that sounds weird but lets go."
We all head to the bottom of the tree and once we actually made it to the big gates for the entrance. Leafa asks,
"Are you really going to do this by your self...? Thats crazy, about 30 strongest players went in there and got defeated, you cant do it."
Kirito growls and takes out his wings and zooms all the way straight up, Leafa Raitoredi and I follow him but at a slower speed. Leafa yells at him,
"Where are you going?! There is a barrier now!"
Then Kirito hits the barrier and tries to hit it down with its sword. Once everyone got to the barrier all by each other. I then hear a little voice saying'mommy', and I grab my head a bit because it is in a little bit of pain. Raitoredi must have noticed because she looked at me in worry, I give her a reassuring smile. We all look up to see Kirito still slamming on the barrier, but then he stops and sees something, Raitoredi says,
"A card...? It looks like a credit card..."
I wonder what it is. Kirito catches it and asks Yui,
"Do you know what this is Yui?"
She holds it and says,
"Scanning now..."
So she is a code, before she said she was her own person. It seems like she is her own code, not person. Oh well. Yui then says,
"This a key to the game manual. Before this dropped I sent a warning to a life figure up there, it has mommy's coding profile so it must be her."
I wonder if that pain was Yui...maybe, just maybe. I say,
"I heard something a bit ago, it was your voice Yui, it said 'Mommy'..."
Kirito looks a bit surprised but put the card in his pocket and said,
"Lets go defeat the grand quest."
I whisper in Raitoredi's ear while Leafa is talking to Kirito,
"I think my code is linked to Asuna's, because I could figure out it was her by Kirito's actions by her being trapped up there. Also that I still have her on my friends list, it says she is above us at the moment."
Raitoredi looks down seeing Kirito and Leafa in front of the gates,
"We should get down there before we get behind, we can tell Kirito about this later."
I nod and we both head down to a shocked Leafa and a confused Kirito. I say,
"Kirito what did you do to a women, you know how we are...!"
I go and care for leafa but she keeps me back and says to Kirito in a whisper tone,
Then Kirito gets a shocked impression and whispers something that I couldn't hear. Then Leafa logs out and her body disapeared llike a person logging out, with Kirito following...WHAT IS HAPPENING?! I don't get it,
"I guess we got left behind, wanna wait for them to re-log in?"
Raitoredi nods and sits down on he ground and I go by her in confusion and worry, I wonder what is happening...

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