Johnny Imagine

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(Request for greaserchick2002)

Shawna's POV:
Okay so I am going to be real honest with y'all here. I have a huge crush on my childhood friend, Jonathan Cade.

Also known as Johnny or Johnnycakes. He is just perfect.

His hair, his eyes, his smile, and his personality.

We have known each other since 5 years of age. So basically, he is my best friend. The thing is that, I don't know if I should tell him. If I do, he might not like me back and that could ruin our friendship!

Or if we start dating and we break up, that could ruin our friendship!

Johnny's POV:
I don't know if this is a good idea to have received feelings for my childhood friend, TeShawna. Or known as Shawna.

I like her very much.

She is beautiful. Her hair, smile, her personality, and her eyes. She is perfect.

But she is my best friend. If I tell her I like her, What would it do to our relationship?!

Shawna's POV:
I was suppose to meet Johnny at the park for our little hang out.

I put on a light blue shirt with black jeans and black converse. I grabbed my leather jacket and headed out.

When I got there, Johnny was on the swing waiting for me.

"Looks like you beat me to it." I said giggling.

He smiled. "It's about time you got here. I waited for years now."

He chuckled and I sat on the swing next to him. We swung there in silence. "Uh so beautiful weather huh?" He smiled and mumbled something inaudible.

We kept swinging until I felt like bursting out the words 'I like you' but I couldn't.

"Shawna?" I looked at him. "Yeah Johnny?" "I need to tell you something." I nodded. "Uh... What do ya wanna do now?" I frowned. "Uh... I don't know. You choose."

Johnny's POV:
I really wanted to tell Shawna. But I couldn't. It's hard.

Then it came out.

"Shawna I like you!" I yelled. I sat on the grass blushing hard. I shook my head.

I had to say that?! What happens if she doesn't like me back?! I think I just ruined my relationship with her.

Shawna's POV:
I can't believe Johnny yelled that.

I sat next to him.

"Johnny. You really do?" He looked at me with his beautiful eyes. "Yes." He mumbled. I blushed. "Johnny," I took a deep breath. "I like you too."

He smiled brightly.

"What now?" I asked. "I don't know." He said with a chuckle. "Would you like to be my girl Shawna?"

I got up and just walked away thinking.

Johnny's POV:
I ruined it! I ruined our relationship! She probably hates me now. Why in the world did I say that?

I decided to go look for her. Question is, why did she just walk away without saying nothing?

It's my fault. Damn it. I ruined our relationship. I just had to say that!

Anyways I stood up and looked for her.

I saw her at the lot. Good thing it was still daylight out. I sat next to her.

"Shawna, I'm sorry. I am so stupid for saying that. I am so very sorry." She looked at me.

"Johnny, it's not your fault. It's mine for walking away. I should of told you this before I walked away."

I got confused by what she meant. "Tell me what?"

She took a deep breath.

"If we do start dating, and if we ever break up, what would that do to our relationship? Would we still be best friends?"

I looked down.

"Shawna, if we ever break up, I'll still love you and I will still like to be best friends with you."

She smiled at me. She has the most beautiful smile in the whole galaxy.

"Really?" I nodded. "Then I have an answer to your question." I held out my hands. "Which is?" I said. "Johnny, I would love to be your girl." I jumped up. "Yay!" She stood up and I hugged her.

Shawna's POV:
I really hope we will be best friends if we are dating or not. I just love Johnny with all my heart.

~5 weeks and 12 dates later~

Shawna's POV:
Johnny and I were at the park having a little picnic.

Johnny was playing with a strand of my hair. "Shawna, I told you that I love you. What about you? Do you love me?"

I looked straight in his eyes.

"I do love you Johnny. To the moon and back. I love you." He smiled. "Same here princess, same here."

He leaned in and kissed me passionately. I kissed back. His lips were warm and soft. I loved Johnny. And I knew he did the same.

Hope you like this Shawna

(I added a little line in there from a movie called 'Descendants')

Requests are open!

(Edited: 6-5-18)

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