Johnny Imagine

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For (Lonelybean2004 )

Olivia's POV:
Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped and turned upside down.

And I'd like to take a minute to just expend on how I became Johnny's future girlfriend.

~~3 days ago~~

I had a late night team hang out. My parents don't know I play a sport. I like doing it to keep my mind off of things.

When I got to my driveway I stopped for a minute to hope my parents wouldn't catch me.

I snuck inside and with just my luck (not) my dad was in the living room.

"Olivia? Where the hell have you been? Do you know what time it is?!" My dad got up.

"I uh, I'm sorry dad. I know it's late I won't do it again!" I said a little loud.

"Are you yelling at me? How dare you disrespect me in this house?!" I started backing up a little, getting scared.

"I'm not! Where's mom?" I asked.

"Not important! She's not here right now to comfort you, to hold you, to say everything is okay when it's fucking not! You crying? STOP CRYING!!" He yelled in my face.

"STOP YELLING AT ME! YOU'RE SCARING ME!" I kept crying a little.

"I can yell at you whenever and however I want! Now shut up!" My dad gave me a good slap to the face. "If you wanna be on the streets all night then stay out in the streets!! Get out of here!" He opened the door and pushed me out.

This man made no sense.

I started running. God knows where. I ran to this empty lot.

I sat down and sobbed. I missed my mom. I wanted to call her but I had no money to go to a pay phone. I didn't want her coming home to him.

She's a strong woman who knows how to handle him when he gets like that but I don't know what he's capable of.

Sometimes I wish I was brave like her.

I sobbed for a while. When I finally looked up I noticed 3 guys standing in front of me smiling.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" The taller one said.

"Please, leave me alone." I said.

"Well okay princess." He rolled his eyes and his group of friends walked past me.

Then out of no where I felt a strong arm grab me by my neck and started choking me.

"Get her!" I heard the taller one say.

One guy started punching my stomach while the other one was smoking a cigarette, but he let put the cigarette butt on my arms and legs.

I couldn't breathe, I felt sick and the burns kept getting worse.

Johnny's POV:

I was taking a daily stroll through the park when I heard some rustling.

I got closer to the noise and saw a girl getting attacked. I pulled out my blade and yelled, "Get off of her!!"

Some dogs started barking and house lights came on which triggered the guys so they ran off.

When the guys left, the victim was breathing heavily and panicking.

"What's going on?! Get away from me! Leave me alone!!" She screamed and cried.

"Hey hey, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm not gonna hurt you." I quickly sat next to her and pulled her close to me, letting her head rest on my chest.

"What happened?" I asked calmly.

"My dad. My d- I gotta get home! I need to see my mom!" She panicked again.

"Where is your mom right now?" I asked.

"At work! But she could be home any minute!" She said.

"What time does she get home?"

"2 am."

"Well it's only 11:15. We have time. You should relax, calm down and breathe. I'll stay here with you just in case." I told her.

"Thank you so much." She whimpered as she hugged me.

"I'm Johnny." I said.

"Olivia. Hey, aren't you in my grade?" She asked.

We looked at each other. Turns out I had saved my crush.

We started a conversation, beginning with how she got here and stuff.

Around midnight it started getting a little better.

We sat next to each other, her head on my shoulder and my hands, well in my lap.

"How lucky did I get to have you here." She said.

I smiled. "How lucky did I get to be here on time."

"Can we lay down for a bit?" I asked.

She nodded. I laid my jacket on the ground and laid down. She laid onto me, head on my chest and my arm wrapped around her.

Olivia's POV:

There I was. Cuddling with the person I have always wanted to cuddle with.

"Olivia?" He asked.


"Now that we're here, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to get some ice cream sometime or see a movie. Whatever you like, I'm down for it."

I smiled, cuddling closer.

"I would love to."

"Perfect." He kissed the top of my head. After we fell asleep.

Around 1am he said something.

"Hey, Olivia. I think we should head to your mom's work. Maybe she has a little place for you to get some rest. And when she's done you two can set something up."

I sat up. "What about you? Where will you go?"

"Aw don't worry about me. I'll be okay. What's important is you get some rest and to see your mom." Johnny smiled.

I nodded. "Okay."

We both got up and walked to my mom's work. Luckily it wasn't too far of a walk.

When we got outside of her work, I gave him a long hug.

"Thank you so much, Johnny. Words are not enough to thank you." He wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

"No problem Olivia. I just want you to stay safe."

We pulled away. I gave him a smile and he gave me a kiss. A warm, gentle kiss.

"I- um," I cleared my throat. "Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

"Yeah sweetie I will be." He smiled.

"I want you to meet my mom. She needs to meet my hero." I said.

"Damn, meeting the mother already? Didn't even give me a chance to freshen up." He said. We both chuckled.

"Alright, I would love to meet her." Johnny kissed my cheek and we went inside.

The attack scene was so cringe akshdhdb. I'm not good with writing action scenes😂

I tried. Hope you liked it though, take care :)💝

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