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Joel's pov

"What did you say?"

"I can't do this, Dr Williams . . . I fought so hard and look what happened, I still couldn't protect myself or my pups . . . I'm not fit to raise them!"

"Please don't do this, Joel. At least think about it some more before you make a final decision."

I nodded my head, even though my mind was made up.

"Thank you."

"How many pups survived?"

"How did you . . . oh yes, your wolf."

I smiled sadly, nodding again.

"You were carrying three pups, but only two survived. I'm sorry, Joel . . I should have done something more, but_________."

"I know that you did everything you could. This isn't your fault, you're a doctor, not the Moon Goddess. When is the funeral?"

"When you're strong enough to__________."

"I want to have it as soon as possible. I don't want my pup to be treated like a freak."

Dr Williams nodded, letting out a sigh at my stubbornness as he sat in the chair beside my bed.

"Are you up to eating something or walking around a little?"

"I'm not hungry, but I wouldn't mind getting out of this bed for a few minutes."

Before allowing me to get up, he checked my stitches and relief mixed with the sorrow in his eyes as he righted my clothes.

"It looks like Demmi is stronger than everyone believed."

"Demmi hates me."

"We both know that's not true."

"Yes it is . . . I think he's hated me since this whole thing started, because I couldn't get away from___________."

Dr Williams focused all of his attention on me, waiting to see what I would say next, but I couldn't . . . I just couldn't say his name. When he realized that I wasn't going to say anymore, he put a comforting hand on my shoulder and I had to force myself not to flinch away.

"Stop pushing yourself, no one expects you to recover overnight, especially after everything you've been through, now let's take that walk."

I slowly struggled to my feet as small pains made themselves know in different parts of my body. Stepping outside of my room, I was suddenly overwhelmed with fear, when a familiar scent hit me.

"Does . . .Kyle know about the pups? Has he been in my room?"

"I'm sorry . . . he's seen the pups. He came to your room while you were sleeping and the Alpha found him here and took him to the nursery so_________."

"How could he do that?! After_________!"

"That's exactly why the Alpha did it, because he knows everything . . . he took him to the nursery so he could meet his pups . . . because after that visit, he's not allowed to be part of your or their lives again."

"Of course that's all that happens to him, he is the future Alpha after all."

"I know its not enough . . . but what more can we do . . . exile him and risk destroying the pack?"

"I know, it's just that seeing him being treated like a hero while I'm being called a slut and being told to finish the job and kill myself by people I considered friends, its like I'm being punished for something that's not my fault."

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