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Jesse's POV

I could feel myself  regaining    consciousness as I was carried through the woods, the trees moving past me at a fast rate.  I could hear arguing around me and kept myself still so that whoever had me wouldn't know that I was awake.

"I don't think we should have left Daniel alone with him, he can't be trusted . . . I mean did you see what he did to that guard and he's one of his own pack mates."

"I know, but he's his mate, if you met your mate here; even if they were the worst kind of person, would you just let them go?"

"Of course not! I would do everything I had to, I . . . okay I see your point, still the pack isn't going to accept this, you know that right?"

"We can't do anything about that, all we can do is get the Luna back to Alpha Chris."

"He's dead."

The wolf holding me jumped slightly when I suddenly spoke up and I felt a little guilty about scaring him.

"Luna! Thank the Goddess you're awake, you've been asleep for hours and we were getting worried."

I didn't respond, did it matter if I was alive when my mate was gone. The wolf holding me, must have sensed my sadness because he quickly spoke up to reassure me.

"Luna . . . Luna the Alpha isn't dead. I don't know what they told you, but we managed to get to him in time and he's going to be okay . . . he's jus waiting for you to come home."

"He's . . . He's alive?"

"Yes, we got to him in time and managed to save him."

"Why can't I feel him?"

"He's weak Luna. He even had to give up his rule over the pack so he can regain his strength. The only thing on his mind was you . . . he blames himself for taking you away from the pack."

I feel tears dripping down my face, Chris took me away so we could escape the stress of his busy schedule and my failed pregnancies  . . . he took me away so i could recover only for something like this to happen. After everything we've been through, he had failed to do the one thing he wanted the most, protect me and I know he blames himself even though he could do nothing to prevent what happened to me. Wanting to focus on something else, I tried to feel the pack link and the tingles across my skin told me we were getting nearer to home.

"Are we close?"

"Yes, Luna we'll be there soon."

I nodded and closed my eyes, conserving what little strength I had left for when I was reunited with my mate.

Sally's pov

I could see the border to our pack swiftly approaching and if I hadn't been carrying the future Alpha of our pack, I would have let out a cry of happiness. Noone had followed me and I pushed myself a little harder when I saw several members of the pack approaching. Hearing the sound of footsteps behind me, I quietly slipped a silver coated dagger from the holster wrapped around my hip into my mouth before continuing to run, making sure to slow my pace slightly to allow whoever was following me to get closer. Just before I stepped foot across the border, I instantly placed the bag down into my pack's territory, shifted, spun around and grabbed the wolf I sensed behind me bringing the dagger to his throat.

"Sally, let go, it's me, Damien."

Quickly releasing Damien, I slapped him on the back of the head, smirking when he winced and grumbled quietly to himself.

"You've been around me long enough to know not to sneak up on me, so shut up your complaining."

Damien straighten up and looked at me with an expression mixed with both hope and fear.

"I'm sorry Sally, but we have the Luna and we need to get him to safety."

"How . . . never mind, you can tell me later, now we have to go."

I picked up my bag and led the way across the border, a shiver going through my body as the sensation of homecoming hit me.

The crowd gathered around began to murmur, but I ignored them and continued to lead the way to the pack hospital where I knew Alpha Chris was being treated.  Sending the discomfort of the two wolves following behind me, I paused, waiting for them to speak up.

"The . . . The Luna smells like him. He broke his vows to Alpha Chris . . . I don't think we should bring him to the pack hospital."

"After all of this time, you still don't trust your Luna? Then why did you volunteer to rescue him? Why not let someone loyal to him go after him?"

"I-It's not that . . . we just don't want_______."

"Luna Jesse has proven his worth in spite of everything he's been through . . .  he no longer has to prove anything to you or anyone else, now take him to the pack hospital so that his mate can know that he is safe."

Not waiting for a response, I started towards the pack hospital once again, I need to have a talk with the Alpha right away.

Alpha Chris's POV

My eyes snapped opened as a scent I knew as well as my own flooded my senses. I could smell the dominant scent mingled with it, but I pushed it aside for now. My mate was approaching and my wolf whimpered quietly in guilt at the thought that we had put him in danger in the first place.  If I had never decided to leave the pack he would have never been hurt. A tear slid down my cheek as I remembered that monster nearly ending my life as he taunted me with his plans for my beautiful mate and how I had given him to him with what I believed would be my last breath.  A soft knock and the turning of the knob had me forcing myself onto my feet. Before I could reach my mate, before I could even react to the fact that he was in front of me, I was stopped when I heard the tiny mewl of a newborn pup.

"S-Sally? Is . . . Is that ________?"

Unzipping the bag on her shoulder, Sally ,smiled as she lifted out a bundle and unwrapped it, carefully  presenting it for me to examine.

"Alpha, meet your son."

I didn't move . . . I could hardly breathe, all I could do was stare at the tiny pup with a sense of wonder. My pup? This was my pup? I could feel feel myself trembling as the pup felt our connection and turned his tiny head towards me and opened eyes that were identical to mine.


I swallowed thickly at Sally's voice, but I couldn't respond. My mate was here with me and we had a child together.

"Where . . . Where my mate? I want . . . need to see him."

A throat cleared and  Damien stepped forward, carrying my mate in his arms.
As soon as they were in front of me, Jesse opened his eyes, his gaze meeting mine and in that moment, all of my pain faded into nothing, in that moment the only thing I felt was whole.

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