Battle Lines

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Joel's pov

What do I do? My brother needs me, but it's not like I can just take him and walk away, the rogues still have us surrounded. I groaned inwardly when I heard Kyle's voice.

"Why are you still here? Your leader is dead, now leave."

One of the rogues laughed mockingly, shifting so he could speak.

"Leader? That idiot wasn't our leader and we aren't rogues. We're looking for one of our pack members whose gone missing."

"And you attack our pack to find them?"

"We did not attack you . . . don't lump us with a pathetic coward who acts before thinking."

Kyle was about to say something else, but I pushed him out of the way.

"Please, my brother needs to go to the pack hospital, he's about to have his pup."

"No one leaves."

"Do you know how to deliver a pup?"

The wolf look at me uncertainly and I smirked.

"If you don't want to learn, then let me take him to the pack hospital."

Alright, you and the woman can take him, but only if two of my wolves go with you. "

Kyle growled, catching the wolf's attention.

"He's my mate if anyone goes with him it'll be me!"

"If he is your mate, why isn't your scent on him or your mark on his neck? No you will stay here with the others."

The wolf growled something I couldn't understand and two others from his pack approached Alpha Rick, lifting him to his feet and leading him towards a car parked along the side of the road near the woods, helping him inside and buckling him in; closing the door before stepping back. I lifted Joey off his feet and hurried him to the car, placing him on the other side, buckling him in and climbing in beside him as mom slid in beside me and the two wolves made their way to the front of the car.

Kyle started to move towards us, when the groups leader snarled at him, halting him in his tracks. The wolf scented the air around him, letting out a howl and the circle of wolves moved closer, surrounding Kyle.

Everyone murmured in shock and confusion, but no one stepped up to help him.

"Where is he?"

Kyle suddenly smirked, crossing his hands over his chest arrogantly.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, I think you do. I can smell his scent of you, boy."

Kyle's smirk faded into an angry frown.

"Are you accusing me of something? Is that why you came here and threatened my pack?"

"You know why we're here, boy . . . Jesse's mate survived the evil you meant for him and not only told us exactly what you did to Jesse, but also where you've been holding him since he disappeared."

"If you don't want a war, you'll leave now."

"We're not going anywhere until you return our pack mate and if it takes war for that to happen, then so be it."

Pulling the wolf closer, Kyle whispered something in his ear that made him stiffen in anger, before he growled again and his pack backed off, forming their original circle.

"Todd, Daniel, report to me as soon as the Alpha recovers. I need to speak with him."

The two wolves nodded and then the car stared up and we were finally headed to the hospital. Joey let out a whimper of pain, clutching his stomach and and I quickly tried to comfort him.

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