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Joel's pov

(Devlin's Image)

(Devlin's Image)

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Image of Dillon

I slowly sit up, blinking until Devlin's grinning face came into focus

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I slowly sit up, blinking until Devlin's grinning face came into focus.

"About time you woke up."

Smiling, I brushed a hand across Devlin's cheek and his grin faded.

"I know what you're thinking, Joel . . . don't go to him."

"I don't even remember falling asleep . . . how long have I been out?"

Devlin narrowed his eyes at my change of subject and I dropped my hand and  signed, looking away from him.

"What should I do, then? If you know so much, tell me how to fix this."

"This may be something that you can't fix, Joel. I understand how you feel, but_________."

"No, you don't . . . you may be my mate, but you have no idea what I'm feeling right now."

Devlin shook his head, moving away from me and I instantly felt cold.

"You think you're the only one who wants to help your brother? I was sent here to protect the both of you . . . I never expected you to be my mate or to fall in love with you and now you're asking me to let you go. You're asking me to send you to him so you can protect someone that needs to learn to protect themselves and I can't do that."

It . . . It's my fault Joey's the way he is . . . I fought all his battles for him and now he's so afraid to stand on his own two feet that he'll let himself be abused."

"And you're so afraid of letting him stand on his own that you'll let yourself be abused in his place and he'll hate you for that Joel."

"I . . . I just want to keep him safe."

I angrily wiped away a tear as it slid down my cheek, taking a shuddering breath before continuing.

"I promised Joel that I would always be there to keep him safe and I tried, even when he resented it and me, all I wanted to do was be his safe place."

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