...No Way Out

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Joel's pov

I try to open my eyes, but for some reason they're too heavy. Maybe it's to numb the pain or maybe its because my body can sense that something much worse is going to happen to it. A dull ache in my wrists and the draining of my energy is registered in my mind as chains coated in silver and a part of me wonders why they restrained me when I'm in no condition to move or fight back.

"I know you're not asleep . . . now open your eyes."

I inwardly cringe at Kyle's voice and try once again to force my eyes open, but they continue to disobey me.

"Fine then, I'll just take this as proof that it doesn't matter to you what happens to that mongrel of yours."

'Our pup! Open your eyes, Joey!'

In an act of desperation, I force myself to struggle through my body's resistance and manage to open my eyes, gasping when the pain my body had been protecting me from hits me full force. Licking my dry lips, I can't help but wonder how many days I've been unconscious.

"P-Please w-water."

"I really wish I could do that, but the pack wants you to learn a lesson . . . no strike that, they just want you to suffer."

My eyes widened at his cold words and pain shot through me as my body started shaking when I remembered something I should have noticed earlier.

"Wh . . . Where's my pup? What did you do with her?"

"Well, seeing as she's not going to be with you any time in the near future, it doesn't matter if I you know, where she is; does it?"


"You should really save your energy, Joey because it's only going to get worse for you and I can't lead this pack if I kill my Luna . . . well I can, but it'll make me look like some kind of tyrant and that's not the image that I'm going for, so________."

"I'm . . . I'm sorry ok . . . I'm sorry I destroyed your relationship with Joel and . . . and I'm sorry that I couldn't replace him for you, but please this isn't going to fix anything."

"What makes you think that has anything to do with me doing this?"


"I'm doing this because I enjoy it, Joey, just like you enjoy using that devious little mind of yours and causing trouble. You didn't care about how foolish you were making your own pack look when you tricked them with your lies and even now when they see how stupid you considered everyone to be, you still think that someone will swoop in and save you, don't you?"

"I . . . I__________."

"Don't you?"


"I begged, you know . . . at the hospital, I begged Joel to stay with me and he rejected me instead. I begged my dad not to turn his back on me and he cast me aside, so hearing you beg right now just makes me angry."


"Shut up. You have no right to ask for mercy."

I swallowed, looking Kyle in the eyes.

"Then kill me . . . you tried earlier, didn't you?"

Kyle smirked, shaking his head.

"I told you, I'll never kill you, Joey and I'll never let you kill yourself . . . no, I have plans for you."


"Oh, you'll do whatever I say or I'll make sure your "pup" suffers more than you can imagine until I give permission for her life to be taken that is . . . I'll even let you choose how it's done."

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