Surf's Up

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Ring, ring.

The sound of the school bell startled me. I got out of my seat and left class. I put my books in my locker and headed to the cafeteria. Once I was there, I got my lunch and headed over to a table. The girls ate lunch in silence. It was always like this. No one talked. It wasn't that we all hated each other, but no one ever talked at lunch. I had no idea why. It had always been like that.

After lunch I had two more classes, science and algebra. Science went by quickly, much to my relief. I went into my last class. The teacher had lots of papers in his hands.

"Alright everyone, I'm going to be passing back your assessments from last week."

He started to hand out the papers. I heard a few groans from people who clearly didn't do very well. I got an A minus.

"Today we're having another assessment. I hope you studied."

He handed out the test. It looked pretty easy. I turned my papers in with a few minutes to spare. I started at the clock until 2:00 came.


I practically ran home from school. When I got there, I threw my bag down in my room. I grabbed a bikini, rash guard and board shorts and changed. I texted my mom to tell her I'd be at the beach and I left the house, surfboard in hand.

When I arrived at the beach, there was a lot of hustle. The HBHS people were over by the lifeguard chair. I ran over. Kaylee, one of my close friends, was waiting there.

"Hey, Chloe, you excited to surf?" she asked.

I smiled, "You bet! I could hardly sleep last night! The conditions are great today!"

"I know, right? Now let's hit the waves!"

We grabbed our boards and ran to the water. I paddled out and sat on my board. Everyone kept going for the smaller waves, but I didn't. There was a big wave coming. I could sense it.
That was when I saw it.
It was huge! I paddled, trying to get ahead before the wave got to me. I stood up and rode the wave. People were cheering. I got off my board and walked onto the shore. Kaylee came over to me.

"That was EPIC! I wouldn't have been able to surf that in a million years!" she said.

I laughed, "Thanks!"

I put my board off to the side and watched some other surfers. A brunette guy approached me.

"You were awesome on that wave! I've never seen a girl surf so well!" he said.

I smiled again, "Thanks!"

"I'm Wesley by the way, but everyone calls me Wes."

"I'm Chloe. Nice to meet you, Wes," He seemed really nice. Someone I would definitely want to be friends with.

"Nice to meet you too, Chloe. What grade are you in?"

"I'm a sophomore, how about you?"

"I'm a junior. So, I guess I'll see you around?"

"Yep, it was nice talking to you."

"It was nice talking to you, too."

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