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I had such a boring day in school. Not even classes with my friends made it alright. At the end of the day, Keaton and I left the school together, heading back to our houses.

"Today was so boring," I groaned.

"It was, I think every freshman felt the same way. Everyone was abnormally quiet today," he agreed.

"I don't want to do homework."

"Me neither. You wanna come over?"

"You just saved me."

He laughed. We arrived at his house a few minutes later

"I have something I want to show you," he said, leading me to a doorway. We went down into the basement, which I had never seen before. My jaw dropped from what I saw.

It was music central down there. There was a drum set with the Emblem3 logo on it, three acoustic guitars, two bass guitars, a piano, a keyboard, three sets of bongos, more microphones, stands, and amps than I could count, and a room off to the side.

"This is awesome!" I exclaimed. I couldn't believe I hadn't seen this before. This was my kind of place. I had always had a love for music, but I sucked at singing. I could play the guitar though.

"Wait until you see this," Keaton said, leading me to the room off to the side. He opened the door, revealing a mini recording studio.

There were two microphone set-ups, a few pairs of Beats by Dre headphones, a bunch of controls, and a Macbook, as well as some chairs and stools. Red sound-proof foam lined the walls.

"You're in trouble for never showing me this," I joked.

"Do you want to hear something that I recorded?" Keaton asked.

"Sure," I replied. He turned on the Macbook and pulled up iTunes. He clicked on a song called 'The Simple Life.'

It started off with just some guitar strumming. Then came the vocals. It was a lot of "Oh, oh, oh oh oh oh!" The verses were great too. The song ended soon enough.

"That's awesome!" I said.

"Thanks. I wrote it myself. It's about just, you know, living life the right way. We're young now, we gotta stay that way," he explained.

"This place is so cool. I would love to have this in my basement," I said.

"Do you play any instruments?" he asked.

"I can play a few chords on the guitar,"
"Well, I could definitely teach you more," Keaton said. "You should play with us sometime!"

"Maybe I will," I replied, a smile on my face.

The room was silent for a minute. Keaton and I were just inches apart. We suddenly got closer, and before I knew it, my lips were on his. It was short; about a few seconds, but I definitely felt something. My first kiss had been a special one.


That night, I was sitting in my room, thinking about what had happened earlier. Keaton and I had both admitted that we felt something during the kiss. Suddenly, there was a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said.

Stephanie came into my room. "Chloe, I really owe you an apology, an apology for everything, all the way back to when I freaked out because you were friends with Keaton. I totally overreacted about everything. I didn't even like him that much, I was just caught up in the moment. I don't mind if you're going out with him. I'm really sorry."

It took me a minute to process everything she had said. She really didn't care? That meant a lot. "It's alright, Steph. I'm not mad, or anything. But you're really not?"

"No, I'm not. I shouldn't be able to control your life, or who you date, or anything like that. That's your own decision."

She came over and hugged me. "Let's be the kind of sisters that are nice to each other. The kind that tell each other everything, and want to hang out all the time."

"So this new sister won't scream at me when she knows that I had my first kiss today?"

She smiled. "Scream with excitement, maybe. Spill it."

"Well, Keaton and I were in his basement, and it just kind of happened."

"Those are the best first kisses, when you're not planning on it. You lucky girl."

I smiled. "Thanks."

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