Part 5

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The next morning came quite fast considering the near-death experience team 7 endured the day before.

The cliff climbing nearly killed Sakura and if Sasuke hadn't caught the pinkette, she most likely would have fallen to her demise or at least broken a few bones. After that rather traumatic experience, the kids set out to do their two laps around Konoha lake, only making it about halfway through the first lap before collapsing against each other.

Kakashi, who was watching, had no trouble motivating them with his fellow ninken hounds, who seemed to favor growling and biting. To say the least, each genin had at least one bite mark on their ankles.

Eventually finishing their two laps and barely making it out alive, Sasuke offered his teammates stay at his compound, stating there was more than enough room and since none of them could make it past his apartment, it was the only option.

Kakashi was nice enough to help carry them to Sasuke's house but swiftly left after, letting Sasuke deal with the two who had already dropped to the ground in exhaustion.

Sasuke was the first to wake in the early morning, the sun had yet to rise and the two he now called friends were sleeping soundly next to him on futons. Well, Sakura was sleeping soundly. Naruto's snoring had woken the Uchiha up which caused an annoying headache for the poor raven-haired boy.

Sasuke carefully stepped around his sleeping comrades, 'accidentally' kicking Naruto in the stomach and headed toward the kitchen area. The boy had lost his parents at an early age but everything that had been taught before their deaths stuck to him. For example. Always take care of your guests.

Before cooking, he made sure to get dressed in appropriate clothing since only a pair of track pants covered him, imagine if Sakura saw him now...Sasuke twisted his face just thinking about it before throwing on a plain black t-shirt and heading back to the kitchen.

Sasuke mumbled incoherent words to himself while making breakfast for himself and his teammates. If any of his fangirls caught him doing this... He shivered.

After washing the dishes and placing the warm miso noodles on the table, he strode to his bedroom, where the other two collapsed before he could situate them in the guest bedrooms. Shaking Sakura awake, she gave a small yawn and tried stretching her muscles, only to spas out a bit from the tightness of it. Sasuke shook his head at her, implying to stop and take it easy before pointing to the kitchen and mouthing food. She quickly caught on and smiled brightly at the raven haired boy who she just noticed, was wearing a plain black shirt which fit him extremely nicely. Sakura made her way out the room with a dribble of drool on the corner of her mouth, from the food or from Sasuke, she'll never know. Perhaps just from the deep sleep, she was in.

Sasuke stared at the girl, wondering what was wrong with her before shaking it off and moving on to wake up the dobe.

"Dobe" he whispered, slightly shaking the blonde, who simply shrugged the hand of his shoulder and turned around.

Sasuke deadpanned at his reaction and shook him a bit rougher, yet still no answer. Was the boy dead? No, his chest was moving and he still had the body function to push Sasuke away.

Breathing out, Sasuke stood up and smirked. Running to the bathroom, he grabbed a bucket and filled it with ice cold water.

Tiptoeing back to his room and peeking at Naruto's peaceful face, he broke out into a Cheshire grin before tilting the bucket of water over the blondes head.

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