Part 50

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"Ohayo" Kakashi called as he entered Ichiraku's Ramen to see his chuunin sitting together in content silence.

"Hn" "You're late" "What?" The three said at the same time causing the Jounin to sweatdrop.

"What are you three doing? Shouldn't you be training?" Kakashi questioned as he took a seat and ordered a bowl of Miso Ramen.

"We just finished" Naruto said with a smirk "We've been practicing some new jutsu's, Sensei. Just a few more sessions and we'll have mastered them" Naruto grinned.

"Dobe, we won't have mastered them. That takes years. We'll just know it better"Sasuke quipped causing the blonde to roll his eyes at the Uchiha.

Sakura shook her head before looking back at Kakashi "Where were you, Kashi-Sensei?" 

Kakashi smiled at the three "I was speaking with the Hokage"

"About what?" Naruto questioned as he went in to slurp on his ramen.

"About you three leaving the village" Kakashi said.

They paused before Sakura spoke up "You sold us out, Sensei?" She asked, unsure.

Kakashi chuckled as the three looked as though he'd just killed their childhood pets in front of them.

"No, no. Nothing like that" The Jounin waved off their concern.

"What did you talk about then?" Naruto questioned as he finished his fourth bowl.

"Well, the Hokage has agreed to let you three leave the village for three years to train but then you have to come back" Kakashi announced with a smirk.

"E-Even me?" Sasuke stuttered, shocked that he wouldn't have to leave the village forcefully. He would be allowed to come back once the years were up and live peacefully. 

"Hai, even you." Kakashi eyed the Uchiha carefully, wondering if he'd found the village a burden.

"That's great! that gives us plenty of time to become stronger" Naruto grinned before going back to focus on the ramen.

Kakashi raised a brow at the blonde before turning back to Sasuke "You'll have to head to the land of lightning. There's an old friend of mine that'd be willing to train you" The Jounin said as he glanced down at the hot bowl of miso soup that was placed in front of him.


"You're free to track down Itachi after a year and a half's training" Kakashi continued.

Sasuke's eyes widened as he glanced at the shop owners and relaxed when they were having a mindless conversation amongst themselves.

"Why can't I just go straight to him? He'll be able to train me better" Sasuke grunted.

"No, he won't" Kakashi sighed, gaining a glare from the young Uchiha "He doesn't have the lighting element and therefore, can only get you so far. You need to learn what you can before you reunite with him. He'll help you progress but there's not much new he can teach you apart from the Sharingan" The Jounin explained before eating his miso ramen as the three focused on their food for a moment.

Sasuke sighed as he pushed his bowl away "You're right. I'll go to the land of lighting."

Kakashi nodded "Good. Naruto, you'll be going with Jiraya and Sakura, you'll be going to find that sage you were talking about but after a year and a half - you need to come back to the village and train under Tsunade"

"Hai" Sakura smiled.

Naruto simply nodded as his mouth was full of ramen.


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