Part 44

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The streets of Konoha appeared to be busy today as Sasuke sat atop a water tank, overlooking the crowds of civilians and ninja going about their day more so than other days. 

The wind blew gently through the Uchiha's dark spiked hair as it always seemed to do. Sasuke watched as traces of wind blew through the dirt streets, creating small gusts of dust. The genin narrowed his eyes at the people below before shifting his onyx eyes to the forest, watching the wind blowing leaves around through the peaceful, quiet, atmosphere.

That suited him more.

His eyes trailed away from the forest and over to the loud commotion coming down from one of the busier streets. The Uchiha clicked his tongue as he noticed Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji walking down the street with Ino in the middle and being the loudest as she talked. He couldn't quite hear what the blonde was spouting but didn't care either.

His eyes narrowed in on Shikamaru and what he was wearing. Sasuke scowled as the pineapple-haired chunin walked without care and a small smirk on his face.

It made the Uchiha wonder why they hadn't been promoted yet. With team 7 proving themselves over and over again, maybe the ranking system didn't apply to them? Still...He didn't like the idea of shinobi like Shikamaru looking down on him simply because he was a higher 'rank'. 

Sasuke tore his attention away from the three below and focused on simply enjoying the breeze and view of the village.

"Ke" The voice of his blonde teammate suddenly called, breaking the peaceful silence.

Sasuke closed his eyes for a moment, trying to remember the quietness before it left completely, before opening them and looking toward Naruto.

Naruto had a troubled expression as he moved forward and sat down next to the Uchiha, who turned back to the village view. The two sat in silence for another moment before the shuffling of Naruto's clothes could be heard. Sasuke glanced to him to see him shifting to face the Uchiha.

"Ke..." Naruto began, hesitating. His expression was serious which made the Uchiha slightly nervous as to what he wanted to discuss. "Where do you think your new goal will lead you?" The blonde questioned before glancing away from the raven-haired boy to overlook the village as he was.

Sasuke stared at his features for a moment, wondering about that himself.

"My new goal..." Sasuke spoke for the first time that day. "I want to bring Itachi back to the village and restore the Uchiha clan in a new light." The youngest Uchiha revealed with a rare soft smile.

Naruto stared at him for a moment before grinning "That wouldn't happen to include Ra would it?" he laughed as he leaned back to avoid the smack upside the head the raven-haired genin was aiming at him.

The two calmed down and Naruto smiled over the village "I can't wait to become Hokage. The first thing I'll change is the amount of ramen stands there are in Konoha. I'll make it so that there has to be a minimum of five ramen stands in the v-"

"You're an idiot, To." Sasuke chuckled.

Naruto rolled his eyes but dropped the topic. 

"You know..." The blonde started up again. "It'll probably be a long time before we all see each other again after we leave..." he muttered toward the end, looking down.

"Hmm..." Sasuke hummed in agreement.

"Where will you go?" Naruto suddenly questioned.

Sasuke shook his head "It hasn't been decided who will leave the village yet, To." 

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