Part 26

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"No!-" Sakura yelled, sitting up with a kunai raised. Her breath heavy with the nightmare still pulling her down.

"Ra..." She heard a quiet voice call. The pinkette looked around for the voice, only glancing at the wet cave they were hauled up in, and found the familiar head of blonde messiness. 

"To! Are you okay? What happened! I- Ah!" Sakura yelled out as she tried to get up. Breathing heavily with pain, she pushed up her dress and found purple bruises layered across her abdomen. 


"When you were knocked against that tree, you broke some ribs. Maybe two, I'm not sure" Naruto stated as he made his way over to her from a small fire. In his hands were two small fish, cooked and on a stick. 

"Here. Eat" The blonde simply state monotonously. 

Sakura hesitantly took the fish and brought it close to her but waited. Something was wrong with her teammate, both of them in fact as she looked over at Sasuke. He looked like he was fighting a fever as the sweat layered his forehead. 

"To.... What happened?" She questioned while taking a small bite of the fish. She knew her strength was needed now more than ever and that could only be used if she had said strength.

"You don't remember?" The boy asked, still no emotion in his voice. He stared down at the small fish in his hands, playing with the stick it laid on.

"I do...some of it. I remember leading the nin into the trap, with your help, and then watching your faces turn to ones of horror..." She muttered, looking down with a frown. 

"The target...knocked me out didn't they?" She came to the conclusion. 

Naruto simply nodded and continued nibbling on his fish.

"What happened after that?" The pinkette questioned. She could tell the genin was in a sensitive state, if not traumatized, but these questions needed answers. Answers that couldn't wait.

The boy sighed softly and pushed aside the fish, giving his full attention to Sakura.

"Sasuke tried fighting him on his own, at looked like he'd won but...He came out of nowhere Ra! I swear I tried but I couldn't stop him" Naruto stuttered, trying to explain the best that he could. 

"Naruto. It's okay, calm down" Sakura hushed in a calm tone.

Naruto took a deep breath and turned his head to the side, looking directly at the Uchiha.

"He got bit. I don't know what he did but Ke's got this seal on his neck... It's Orochimaru's seal, Ra" The blonde explained, anger lacing voice.

Sakura tried to ignore the fact that they'd just fought and survived against one of the legendary Sannin.

"Hey" Sakura called, making the blonde turn to her.

"It's okay. We'll figure this out. I'm sure Kashi-Sensei can help" 

The genin reassured not only him but herself as well. She didn't want to show, now of all times, the strong concern and worry she had for Sasuke.

"What else happened?" Sakura continued, knowing something must've happened to the blonde to look so guilty.

"I-I...I lost control" He said softly.

That was all the girl needed to know that he had let the Kyuubi take over.

"To. Listen carefully." Sakura commanded in a strong, firm tone.

Naruto sniffed but paid attention to the genin.

"If you hadn't used that power, we'd all probably be dead right now. Thank you for protecting us." She said, sincerity so clear in her eyes and voice.

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