Part 30

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The sound of weapons clashing and fists crashing against the other, heavy breathing and muttered curses. These were the only noises that could be heard throughout the training field in the early hours of the morning. Fog surrounded the area, sparks being the only visible thing if watched from afar, almost appearing as small fireworks.

"Hmph!" Naruto Uzumaki hissed as a kunai broke through his defense and pierced his right shoulder.

The wound, immediately ignored, became a small waterfall of blood as the boy kept moving to dodge the oncoming attacks of his teammate.

Sasuke Uchiha kicked the jinjuuriki away and jumped into the air, swiftly performing Fire Release: Blazing Shuriken. Small shuriken-sized bursts of fire shot toward Naruto at a fast rate while Sasuke let gravity pull him back toward the ground.

"Mizu Tama! (Aqua Bullet)" The blonde's hurried voice carried over to the Uchiha's ears as Naruto's water bullets collided with his fire shuriken. The sound of sizzling quickly overcame the noises of the boys' heavy breathing and once again filled the area with a foggy atmosphere. These kinds of attacks, as well as Taijutsu, have been carrying on throughout their morning training.

Sasuke smirked and sped in front of the unsuspecting blonde genin. He activated his Sharingan and was quick to perform Megan: Kizu (Demonic Illusion: Wounds), pulling Naruto into his genjutsu successfully. 

The jinjuuriki cursed under his breath as he felt his shoulder dislocate and his leg being pierced with a shuriken. 

Naruto jumped out of the way, trying to ignore the 'pain' as much as he could. Though he felt confused as to when the Uchiha had inflicted these injuries on him. 

It was when Sasuke kicked the distracted blonde in the chin that Naruto realized he was under a Genjutsu. 

The colorful genin jumped away from the oncoming attacks and put his hands together to perform the sign for release "Kai!" he muttered, breathing in relief as the pain immediately disappeared.

"hn" Sasuke frowned at his friend, he overcame the Genjutsu faster than the Uchiha had anticipated.

"Kawarimi no Jutsu (Substitution Jutsu)" Naruto muttered and disappeared from the raven-haired boy's sight, a log replacing him with a puff of smoke. 

Sasuke glanced around the battlefield, trying to pinpoint the blonde's chakra. 

His eyes widened as he turned just in time to deflect incoming kunai heading his way. 

"You'll have to do better than that, To." Sasuke smirked but quickly narrowed his eyes as the blonde jumped in front of him, his stance relaxed.

The Uchiha grunted and threw kunai his way. His raised an eyebrow as Naruto let the weapons lodge into him and quickly realized why as the jinjuuriki puffed into smoke. 

'A clone!' Sasuke practically yelled in frustration inwardly.

He turned his head once again to catch sight of a blue colored heel right before it made contact with his eyebrow.

Naruto smirked as the Uchiha flew across the field, his Sharingan eyes glaring at the blonde all the way before he made contact with a tree.

"Had enough?" The blonde grinned victoriously.

"I wouldn't get cocky just yet" Sasuke muttered.

Naruto jumped in shock and quickly swiveled around to meet the eyes of red that glared fiercely at him from behind. Sasuke slashed a kunai at the boy's chest but missed by millimeters before kicking the boy away.

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