Part 37

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It was a sad day for Konoha as the third Hokage's funeral took place under the soft beating of rain from the stormy clouds above their heads.

Naruto sat in his room. All dressed in black with white bandages covering his body and face. At least his eye had opened up and he could now see out of both eyes.

The genin stared at nothing as he sat on his bed for what felt like hours, trying to prepare himself let go.

He had so many regrets. So many mistakes were made and he never got to tell the old man how much he actually meant to him.

And now he never will.

A soft knock sounded from the doorway of his room, gaining his attention.

In the doorway stood Kakashi. His own clothes mirrored his students, even his mask.

The blonde simply hung his head as he noticed his sensei. He hadn't been able to look him in the eye since Jiji died. The genin knew he had failed and not only has he failed his Sensei, but his village as well.

Kakashi looked at the boy with sadness, knowing exactly what was going through his head.

He stepped forward and sat next to the boy. The two stayed like that, in silence, for a while before Naruto spoke up.

"Why do they die... why do they risk their lives for other people?" Naruto asked, emotionless.

Kakashi glanced down at him and sighed "Are you still so naive, Naruto? Everyone dies...those that are left are joined through the memories of the past that involved those that have died. Emotions are what bind us to them and they die for those memories." Kakashi spoke softly.

Naruto stared at the Jounin for a moment before looking back down "still...I'm sad he's gone"

"Think of how sad it would be if he died for nothing..."

With that in mind, Kakashi stood up and walked out to pay his respects to Hayate, whom lost his life the night before the exams, before heading to the funeral. Naruto was left alone in the dark room to mull over what was said.

While he didn't like it. That was the way of life and his sensei was right. Jiji didn't die for nothing, Naruto would prove that by becoming Hokage and bringing peace to the shinobi world.

The blonde got up, still angry and sad but with renewed hope, and went to find his teammates.

Sakura and Sasuke were sat in the lounge, waiting on the blonde to compose himself. They stood quickly as the blonde finally came down with a serious expression.

"I'm not going to let this go. I'm going to prove the Hokage didn't die for nothing" Naruto immediately said what was on his mind. His teammates came closer with curiosity.

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked while Sasuke watched closely.

"I mean what I mean! He didn't die for nothing and I'm going to prove it by becoming the greatest Hokage ever!" Naruto exclaimed with a raised fist.

Sakura started feeling excitement at the boy's energy and fist bumped her palm "Yosh! And I'll help you both to fulfill your dreams." She exclaimed.

Sasuke rolled his eyes at the two but smiled "I'll help you both achieve your dreams as well and along the way...we'll take down Itachi" the Uchiha smirked with determination.

"Agreed!" The two responded with a grin.


The funeral took up most of the morning and apart from the sad sight of Konohamaru crying, the sky had opened up and shone a bright ray of sunshine onto the third's photo, bringing a sense of peace to those around it.

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